(editing)Sold to Be His

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"Eh, stop there young lady, I didn't take advantage of anyone."

I throw my bouquet of flowers. "Are you serious?! You know we need the money for my mother's health. You took advantage of our needs!"

"I didn't," Shawn whispers, "I never did such a thing."

"You did. Then why am I here?"

"Because I wanted to marry a young, pretty, children baring woman, your father suggested so I said sure,"

Dad will never just sold anything just like that especially a daughter. He did it because of mother. We love her. We need her.

"My mom is dying. My dad lost his job. I needed to drop out of college to work completely to pay for my mom's medicine. You saw that and-"

Once again he interrupts me, "Be quiet. I never ever asked for you specifically and I will never buy anyone. I was simply having a conversation with your father. He asked me about my future. If I see myself with anyone, having kids etc. So I said yes but that I still haven't found her."

"Then we changed conversation. He started talking about your mother and his financial needs. I, as a good friend, decided to give him the money. But HE was the one who offered me you."

"So you still went on with it! If you were a good man, you would have said no."

"I didn't know you were his daughter at first! He told me he knew a beautiful young lady who will marry me. He showed me a picture of you and I instantly wanted you. He barely told me two days ago that you're his daughter!"

The same time he told me I was getting married. But why? I still don't get it.

"Sir," a random white guy comes in with a bodyguard look. "The guests have settled in and dinner will be served. The wedding planner told me it's time for both to go out."

Shawn nods, "Thanks. We are going."

He takes my arm and wraps it around his. We walk out to a grand dinner reception. The room is purple with white curtains, chandeliers, flowers, and tables. There's about 100 people in the reception all looking at us.

They clap and cheer once again. We sit in a table in the center along with my Dad. There was no first dance but Shawn made a grand toast. The dinner arrives and we eat lobster, lamb, and chicken.

I am not there. I take all the emotion out of my soul. I can't be happy. I can't enjoy this food. I am so confused and I'm beginning to feel some anger towards my dad. Did he really just sold me? For nothing? Shawn said he didn't want me. He just wanted to help my dad.

I blank the whole moment. Now I am in a black limo driving to who knows here. I can't remember anything from the reception, and I don't think I want to. Besides, I would have been bored.

Shawn is next to me just staring at me.

"You look great in white," he whispers. I still look at the window, but all I see is darkness.

"You aren't going to talk?"

I don't reply.

He sighs, "Well, you do look prettier that way but you will need to talk to me one day. I mean, you are my wife."


The limo stops and the driver opens my door. He helps me out and I see a beautiful modern glass house. Suddenly, I yelp, Shawn carries me to the door and opens it.

"Welcome to your new home," he smiles. I look around and it is your bachelor home, simple, modern, yet kind of cool. The furniture is very modern and not cozy.

We walk into the main bedroom. He puts me down. He loosens his tie and takes off the tuxedo jacket.

"So do you like it?" he asks.

I walk forward but stop. This might be an awesome house but it's not home.

Shawn hugs me from behind. He kisses my bare shoulder. I get chills. I never been touched my a guy. I barely kissed anyone in high school or college.

"A virgin's scent is just like a pure water. Nothing has contaminated it. It is so good and wanted by many," he whispers in my ear. My heart races and I start to feel nervous.

He kisses my cheek. "I need you to be calm so you will enjoy it even more."

"N-no" I whisper. My voice cracks a little bit.


"I don- do not love you," I answer.

His arms release me and I turn around.

"I know but why can't I? I am your husband. You will need to bare my children. What other way can it happened?"

I shake my head, "I don't care but you aren't going to have your way with me."

Shawn cups my face and I look into those eyes. "I can't force you and I won't. I will have a more satisfaction pleasure when you beg me to. When you beg me to love you, to please you, to make you feel so much happiness that it will let you breathless and wanting more." He leans and kisses me. I keep my eyes open and my lips very close. He pulls away, "you aren't even attracted to me?"

"No," I say.

I hurt his pride. He looks down, "You don't even want to sleep in the same bed huh?"

"You are correct now leave," I say.

"Your father was wrong about one thing,"

"and what was that?"

"You are not weak. You follow your beat."

My father thinks I am weak? He think I am easily manipulated?

*Inner voice* "Well you are here. Why didn't you question him about all of this first?"

Because of my mother, my beautiful mother. How could I have just left her there to die?

"I believe I just hit a nerve," Shawn says.

I look at him, "you are lying."

He somewhat frowns. "Your father is not the man you see Athena. Sometimes family itself can be more selfish than a stranger. Believe me, I know."

He steps out of the room leaving me with so much confusion and anger.

What is happening? This is just so fast and I-I can't believe my dad! I drop to my knees and cry out until the last star looses its brightness.

(Editing) Sold to Be HisKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat