"____! Where are you going?" she asked.

"They are weird. He is reading books on demons and God knows what else. Let's just go, Hailey. I don't care how hot you think a guy is-"

"Don't you know who they are?"

"No, should I?" I answered.

"I need you to come back inside, now," she hissed.

"You're acting strange. I don't care who those guys are. They aren't that good looking that I should end up a sacrifice or something."

"I'm not asking."

Her hand grasped my left index finger tightly. I winced as she gave a quick flick of her finger. My finger made a horrible cracking sound. She broke it. I couldn't say a word, I was overcome with pain. I looked at her. It was just a moment, but the color of her eyes faded into complete blackness. Her hand covered mine as she growled. This was not my friend. Who, or what, was this thing?

"Do as I say and I might just make your death a quick one. Go inside and keep the bookworm distracted while I take care of the pretty boy. Keep your mouth shut," she ordered.

I could only nod as I cradled my finger in the opposite hand. She pushed me through the door as a wide smile burst across her face. It was only a moment before she was wrapped around Dean again. My hand shook as I sat down near Sam. I must have looked like I saw a ghost.

"About that book," he started.

"What? Oh yeah, funny pictures, right?" I laughed.

"Are you feeling okay?"

I wanted to say no I wanted to tell him he was in trouble. But as soon as the thought crossed my mind I could feel the stare burning into my back. I feigned a laugh and put my hands on the table.

"So tell me about you? New to this town?"

"Are you sure that you are okay? You were really freaked out before," he said as if taking in my sudden change in behavior.

"Oh, I know this really cool trick, got a pen and paper?" I asked. He slid the two things toward me as I picked them up non chalantly, "it's pretty awesome."

I slid the paper across to him. His eyes examined it carefully. I held my smile waiting for him to read what I wrote. He looked up at me and smiled. His eyes shifted to his brother who was busy with Hailey. Well whoever she was now. He bellowed with a surprisingly excellent fake laugh. I started to laugh as well. He grabbed my hand and dragged me over to his brother.

"Hey, I need the keys," Sam said.

I caught a nasty glare from Hailey. I wrapped my arm around Sam with a suddenly playful smile. Dean spun on his chair.

"What do you need the keys for?" he asked.

"We're gonna, uhm," he was trailing off.

"We just want a bit of privacy. Come on," I pouted.

"Alright, just don't-" he started.

"Thanks," Sam said grabbing the keys.

We hurried outside. I could feel that thing staring me down as we ran outside. We headed past some nice cars. I gazed upon each one until I saw a black impala. It had to be late sixties by my guess. It reminded me of the cars my dad used to fix up. He used to spend hours every weekend working on cars. I hadn't seen an impala in ages. Nonetheless one in such great shape. I had completely forgotten about the situation at hand. My hands ran across the smooth metal as I stared at this car.

Shattered Memories.  (Castiel x reader) Where stories live. Discover now