The Spark.

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It was late on a Friday night. I had fallen asleep on my books. A buzzing against the desk woke me up. I lifted my head to see my phone ringing. It was my friend. I answered the phone while rubbing my eyes.

"Hey, what's up, Hailey? Need me to walk you home from the bar?" I joked.

"_____," she said, "there are so many cute guys, come down for a bit."

"But I have a huge paper due on Monday."

"Come on, you're wasting away over those books."

"I guess I can come out for a bit," I sighed.

"Great, because there are two really cute guys here. One's kinda quiet like you, but the other one, dear God, I have never seen someone so perfect."

"I get it, you need me to distract the other half," I groaned.

"Put on something cute, hurry up."

The call ended as I stretched my arms out. I walked into my room and pulled out a few different outfits. I had been reading a lot anyway. Maybe a break from school work would be good. I decided on my favorite dress and quickly did my hair nicely. It was the fastest I had gotten ready in some time. I walked downstairs, the bar was a block away from my apartment. I stopped and turned around. I couldn't shake this feeling that someone was following me. I turned back hurrying to the bar. When I got inside the door I looked back outside the door.

"____? What are you doing?" my friend asked.

"I thought I saw something. Maybe I am doing too much schoolwork."

"Come on. Let me introduce you to the guys."

She grabbed my hand and dragged me into the bar. My eyes kept darting back to the door. And I swear I had seen something rush across the window.

"So this is my friend," she was saying, "she really likes staring at doors apparently."

I turned around with a reddened face. The two guys chuckled as I forced a smile. My hand extended to one of them.

"Hi, I'm _____," I said.

"I'm Sam, that's my brother Dean. Who is now all over your friend," he said not surprised in the slightest.

"At least they waited so you wouldn't be alone. You have a lot of books for someone just hanging out at a bar."

"I am doing some work."

"And here I was called away from a paper to come out. Seems I could have brought some work with me."

"I'm sorry if it's a bother for you to be here."

"I needed to get out anyway," my eyes drifted back to the window.

"Something bothering you?" Sam asked catching me staring outside.

"No, just a feeling that I was being followed. Nothing is there I just can't shake this feeling. I really must be overworking myself."

I grabbed one of his books while he wasn't looking. I flipped the book open and stared at the pages. He looked back and grabbed the book from my hands and slammed it shut. I stood up and took a step back.

"W-what the hell is that?" I asked.

"It's just a book. Listen, we're not bad guys."

"I'm pretty sure bad guys usually say something like that."

"Just listen a second."

I turned and hurried out of the bar. I hadn't even gotten myself a drink. Hailey should really be more careful about the guys she gets involved with. Those symbols, demons, what kind of person reads books like that. They are probably serial killers. I ran outside in a panic. It wasn't long before Hailey was informed about me leaving. I had barely made it around the corner.

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