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"Congratulations Mister Kamel and Wills. We see a great progress in this project"

"Thank you Mister East. We are absolutely confident that LEJ and COLLINS enterprises would please you too. They are My trusties. My best friends too"

"Well Mister Kamel. We'll see about that !", Mister East chuckled and left .

I was currently squeezing the wine glass in my hand. How dare he accuse my friends. Oh they'll show him !

"Hey Wealthy ass calm down buddy. We don't mind I mean we all know that 5 of us are UNBEATABLE in business", Christopher said.

"Yeah Wrath! What you did for us is BEYOND friendship so forget about it and we'll not let you down", Abb said.

I smiled at them, "Of course you won't ..." , They smiled back , "...Because I'll whip all of your asses down if you do", I winked.

Their smile vanished, "The level of horny-ness in you scares us I mean Poor Kat", Sam said. 

I glared Sam, "Oh you don't say a word here Mister 'I'll fuck you the moment you'll say Hi'. You're the most desperate then all of us"

"Yeah yeah whatever. Just don't say that in front of Rebecca she'll"

"...Pinch you ...", Tiger said in a shivering voice.

"...Yeah buddy .... thanks .... how did you know?"

Tiger gulped his drink down really hard, "Same .... situation... Ass...", He said while shivering.

I, Chris and Abb laughed our asses off while the rest of them just glared us.

"Well we can't deny ! Wrath is the most luckiest among us!", Abb said.

I glared him and smiled, "Aww! You should thank God you're gay Abb or ELSE!"

The party was huge. My business mates , family everyone were here. We , I and the guys, we all were wearing T shirts with blue jeans. I wanted to keep it a bit less formal. I wore a dark grey t shirt with blue jeans. Now, only if Kat.

 Now, only if Kat

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Our jaws  dropped.

"Man ... you are lucky ....", Tiger said in a whisper.

Every sight was stuck on her.

She came to me smiling  her dress ... wandering in air.

(A/N: Dress above)

"What are you?", She whispered .

"You Look so pretty", I somehow managed to whisper back.

She chuckled, "Don't be surprised .... Wait until we ... get .. married. I bought some special stuff", she winked at me and now my jaw dropped. 

A few moments later 

"And Now! Ladies and Gentle man ! We pronounce you ! the Five famous business man's dancing for their beloved"

The song started and I and the guys were hit with a spot light. We saw Kat Han and Rebecca cheering loud. I swear some of my business dudes were EYEING.

...Get low ... Get get get low ...

Low Low Low low ..

And now , The time when the beat drops .

Get get get get low when the whistle blow !

I was standing behind Tiger and Abb , My back was facing the audience . I Did a back flip from the top of them and Kat gasped . I smiled at her .

We continued dancing . When finally Five of were standing in a line , Moving our waist let and right ... In tune .

Then I and Christoper did a Cartwheel above Sam and Tiger who were laying down . Public Gasped ! it was going crazy !

We ended the dance with a sexy women kiss worthy Pose . 

I was standing in the middle , legs wide open , One hand in the air . and guys were standing equally beside me , in a FAST AND FURIOUS poster style .

The crowd , was cheering !

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