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I froze at what his mother said. I? Kat Rawrs the trouble maker can go in Wrath' room?

I Kat Rawrs was going to see Wrath' very own private room. No doubt the kind of man he is I don't think he has ever let anyone see his room. Why would he agree to let you go in, Kat? 

Oh Maybe you looked way to sexy yesterday.

Fuck. Not now Kat.

"Wrath is usually out for work. He comes home late I don't think his room would be much tidied. He won't even let me in. It's been hard adjusting in this now house", she smiled.

"It's okay Misses Kamel. I don't judge" , I sighed staring at his closed door.

"Kat. Please call me Ciara", she pleaded.

Ciara. You've got a huge mansion here. It had huge peach walls with tall white gates from outside. I saw three cars I swear. One might belong to Chris. He had a spare one at Wrath'. They used to be room mates before Ciara came over.


Interior was amazing. All the walls were slightly sky blue and the furniture was white. Cozy big carpets and I bet I saw 3 maids and one butler. Ciara welcomed me and she asked me to come with her upstairs to Wrath' room to return the jacket.

I could've given it in school but my fucking mind was very curious. I came out for a little walk when I met Christopher. After torturing me for about 30 minutes he told me Wrath' new address. He couldn't come with me as he had some work at his office. Kamel enterprises- Russia.

God they are wealthy.

I wonder who earns this much? These two? Okay Wrath I can believe but Chris?

I snorted a giggle on the thought of it. Ciara smiled, "What? Go in Kat, give him the jacket", she winked at me. Why do mothers get so exited for their sons? I'm just his friend. 

I nodded and she left.


I let out a big sigh and twisted the door knob. I opened the door very slowly and the first thing that came out was a warm scented fog. I smiled at the feeling of it because I was damn cold. I opened the door wider and peeked my head in.


My heart was drumming against my chest but  look at his room. Wealthy ass.

 Massive room. Colorless. Although rest of the house was colored bright but this room, it had a black wall behind a white king bed. Rest of the walls were slightly grey. It was purely furniture white. 

I noticed a black tux laid on the bed. I remember it. It was what Wrath wore the first day we collided.

I shook my head. Just when I saw the sofa I thought of placing his jacket there and run away. I should have returned the jacket last night when he dropped me.

 I sighed and placed it on the sofa.

"What brings you here may I ask?"

I jumped whist my breath hitched and turned around.


"What the fuck!", I screamed.

 He might just took a shower. His body wrapped in nothing but a yellow towel. God, He had packs His body was littered with tattoos. As soon as I saw him behind me I turned around and my back was facing him.

"You don't swear in my room. My room. Why're you here?", he yelled behind me.

"You see this jacket !? I came to give it back", I panted.

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