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We've got Tiger a face too! 

He can be referred to Dominique Capraro. This book is being edited so previously I had assigned Tiger' character to 'Logan Henderson'.




I was devastated. 

I felt as if my heart were in a airplane during a may day. I managed to stand firm, keeping a cold face as much possible. I don't want her to see me like this. Weak, devastated and broken. Or else she'll use me. Yes, my best friend. Ash Grace.

Ash dragged me to bathroom this morning. Hidden from school spy of-course, She told me what happen yesterday. She told me about the warning her mum gave.

"What is my fault!? You should've had asked her", I protested.

"I couldn't Kat ! My Life depends on her! I wouldn't be able to have this glamorous life without her", she sighed.

"Did you even bothered to justify me?", I whimpered.


Shattered again

"Now what? Are we done?", I sobbed.

"What do you mean? Do you think I'm fucking using you? Come on Kat face the truth! Just be cool with me as we always were", she shrugged.

"Okay", I smiled externally. Ash sighed and collected her books only to abandon me.


I collapsed. I just sat there, in an outcast corner. Tears fought my eyes to fall.

"Why is it always me! Why always...always ...fuck", I whimpered and sharply sobbed.

I sat there for 45 minutes. It was my maths class and I skipped it. Just letting the tears go down my cheeks one by one. What is wrong with me!? why can't i keep something forever! My family! friend, boyfriend!

 No. I won't fall for this again. I am strong ! Get up Kat! Only you are enough for yourself.

If life throws a lemon at me, I'll squeeze it in it's eyes.

I hopped on my feet and wiped my tears. I swung the door open. That is when my jaw dropped to the floor.



He pushed me towards the sink and kept a hand on my mouth. His face merely 2 inches away from mine. yeah, my fucking height intensifies it more.

My eyes wider than their sockets as I almost gagged when I realized his hands may not be...

"I've washed my hands", he rolled his eyes.

"What the hell Tiger!", I murmured against his hand.

"What. Never seen anyone sex-C like me before ", Tiger winked.

I couldn't help but blush. My ears were flushed red and it was so visible. I bite his hand and he let out a huff.

"Girls bathroom! Don't you have any manners?", I furrowed my eyebrows.

He scoffed, "I did. Then my thoughts were raped by my best friends", he grinned.

As I was about to push past him, "MISS RAWRS AND MISTER WILLS!"

Fuck. Can this day get any better?

I and Tiger pointed at each other in union as the principle glared Tiger.

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