Chapter 19

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Cas' POV
"What have i done" i thought again and felt the regret spreading like cold water through my veins. I felt my knees weak and i kneeled next to Dean's bed. I wanted to touch him. To run my hand through his hair. To lock our fingers together but i couldnt. Becca was right when she said this would be shocking. There are wires and tubes everywhere. A tube coming out of Dean's mouth helping him breathe, some things that are stuck on his chest connected with a thing on his finger showing his heart beating. At least he was alive. His leg and his arm were broken and were set in plaster. His other arm was resting on his stomach so i reached and touched the cold skin. He was laying there so lifeless, so pale. Tbe only thing that showed me that he was alive was his uneven breathing. Even with this tube i could say he was still having trouble breathing. I put my hand on hia forehead and used my powers to help him. Nothing happened. I looked at my hand and tried again. But notthing happened again. Whats happening with me? Why cant i help him? I took a deep and tried once again. This time there was a slight blue light. His breathing was better and he opened his eyes. Green like grass, green like spring leaves. He looked around the room and finally fixed his eyes on me. He tried to move his left arm but he couldnt so he just touched his face with his other hand and frowned. He tried to say something but the tube didnt let him.
"Would you like me to call a doctor to get that thing out?" i asked with a low voice. He just nodded so i pushed a button and not long after that Becca came.
"Hello Dean, im happy to see you are finally awake. Would you mind waiting outside Castiel?" she asked me and i nodded barely visible and left the room. A couple of minutes later the door opened and Becca's head showed up.
"Its all done, you can come back now." she smiled and left the room letting me go in and close the door behind myself. He was laying on the bed looking at his leg.
"Dean." i whispered but he heard me because he looked at me. His green eyes were looking right at mine and i felt like he could see my soul.
"Im sorry Dean, if only i knew....if only i was strong enough..." my voice broke and couldnt help but kneel next to him again. I reached and touched his hand but he pulled his away. I saw confusion and fear in his eyes and the tone of his rough voice made me freeze.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" It was like a thousand needles stabbing into my heart at once.
"Dean," My voice broke. "Dean, it's me... Cas."
"Who's Dean?" He started looking around frantic and I hated myself for what I have done.
"Oh god," I started to break down I tried my hardest not to. "What have I done?" I asked to myself, I closed my eyes and felt the sting of tears on my eyes and felt them roll down my face.
I opened my eyes to an expression on Dean's face, a mixture of confusion and sadness... But also concern. I sniffed.
"My name is Castiel, I'm your... I'm your friend." Dean's started to relax a little. "Your name is Dean Winchester, you're 36, you have a little brother named Sam and his fiance Jess..." I said it slowly trying to see if I could make him remember anything.
"... I don't remember anything." He whispered.
"... That's okay, cause I'm gonna help you remember." I smiled lightly to reassure him, I will help him remember... If it's the last thing I do.

It has been a few hours since Dean woke up and couldn't remember anything. It has been filled with a few quest from Dean but mostly awkward silence. Cas hated this, he hated himself that he did this to Dean.
After a while there was a knock at the door and Cas couldn't say he wasn't relived. He got up quickly and practically jogged to the door. Opening the door Cas sighed in relief, Sam was there with a concerned and scared look on his face. He opened the door up more to allow him to come in. Sam came in and right away went over to Dean and hugged him.
"I was so worried about you, what the hell were you thinking, running away from the hospital like that?" He leaned back and saw the terrified look on Dean's face. "What?"
"Sam... We need to talk." Cas said softly. Sam then turned around and he looked like he realized something.
"You're Castiel," Cas was taken by surprise. "Aren't you... Dean told me that you're an, an-"
"Angel," Castiel breathed out, he couldn't believe that Dean told Sam about him and let alone being an Angel.
"Angel?!" Dean blurted out. Sam snapped his head to Dean obviously confused.
"Maybe we should talk outside." Cas said softly. Sam nodded slowly getting up.
"Whats going on?" Sam asked with confusion as the two of them left the room.
"Sam...Dean has amnesia." Cas said silently.
"What? How? Why?" Sam was scared. "What the hell happened?!" he took Cas by the shoulders and shook him.
"He...he got in a car accident after he escaped the hospital. I healed him as much as i could but he has brain damage and not even miracles can fix that. Im sorry Sam." Cas looked at Sam with sympathy. Cas had to lie to Sam and he felt awful about it. But there was no other chance because who knew what Sam would do to him.
"I see. Thank you for saving him. I never really believed in guardian angels and i still dont...but you saved him and im thankful for that." Sam reached out and shook the angel's hand.
"I have been trying to help Dean remember all day today but he didnt get any of his memories back. Maybe you could try and help him." cas said with hope.
"I can try." simply answered Sam. Suddenly Cas heard someone calling him up in Heaven on the, how Dean called it, Angel radio.
"Thank you. I need to go. I'll be in touch" and with that Cas disappeared. Sam just shrugged and entered the room to try and help Dean.

I snapped back to Heaven but there was no one. I turned around and walked to Balthazar's office. The room that used to be Raphael's. I walked in just to find Balthazar looking at me.
"Brother, thank you for coming!" Balthazar's cheery voice filled the room.
"Why did you call me?" i frowned and Balthazar just smiled wider and closed the door behind me.
"We need to talk. About you and Dean Winchester." as soon as the words came out of his mind i felt there was something going on. And that something wasnt going to be good.

Hey Angels!
Thank you for reading our fanfic and we're really hoping that you are enjoying this. Thanks to those that comment and to the ones that vote. It means a lot! Next chapter is going to be interesting.
-Vili and Kayla 💝💕

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