Chapter 15

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It has been a couple weeks since Cas and Dean found each other again, no one can be sure how many weeks it's not like heaven has a calendar, it has been a non-stop rewteen of Dean escaping his heaven, with the help of Balthazar, and going to Cas and they talk and sometime even just sit there holding hands looking into each others eyes for company and reassurance, that they were okay and together. They haven't gotten caught yet, Cas took the liberty to figure out Raphael's schedule of when he comes into the jail to taunt Cas. But this time he did a surprise visit.

It was just like any other day of Dean seeing Cas in the jail, he hated seeing him like this but he's rather have this than nothing no matter how selfish that may be.
"What's wrong." Cas asked noticing he's the only one talking. Dean cleared his throat and rubbed his thumb along Cas' hand.
"... Nothing," Cas gave him a look and he knew he could never lie to him. "In my... My heaven, I keep seeing Sammy... Not adult Sam, like the man he is now like 10 year old kid Sammy." He looked up at Cas and he was listening intently. Dean took a real breath.
"I... I know it's not real. But it actually, you know... Makes me feel better, safe... At home," he sighed. "Is that wrong?"
"No not at all..." Cas replied holding Dean's hand in both of his, with a small smile on his face. "Your heaven is supposed to reflect what you most desire and what matters most to you, that's where you're getting Sam from." Dean huffed a laugh.
"Now I know wh-" Dean was cut off by the door bashing open. Dean jumped out of Cas' hold and looked up to his worst nightmare... Raphael.
"Well well well, look what we have here." Dean looked at Cas with a panicked look, Cas was looking at him with horror. Cas couldn't get out of the cage even if he tried, there was no one that could help Dean for whatever Raphael was going to do to him.
"Aren't you supposed to be locked up into your heaven like a good boy?" Raphael cooed as if he was talking to a 5 year old. That pissed Dean off. Raphael's expression darkened making Dean audibly swallow. A creepy smile creeped up to Raphael's face.
"Well if you can't be a good boy and stay in your time out place then we're gonna have to put you somewhere no one can get to you." Raphael cooed again. Dean didn't know what to do and he could hear Cas faintly in the background saying "no, no, no" over and over again while tugging at the bars but Dean knew it was no use... Dean stood up and looked at Raphael.
"Okay," He said and could tell Raphael was a little taken a back and heard Cas stop in the background. "I'll go... But don't hurt him."
"Dean no!" Cas yelled. Dean looked back at him and gave him a bittersweet smile, he could already see the tears in Cas' eyes and feel them in his own.
"I just want you safe," He whispered to Cas. Raphael snorted making Dean snap his head to him with a pissed off look. "Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna get this over with?"
"Gladly." Raphael snapped his fingers.
The last thing Dean hears was the broken voice of Cas saying, "I'll come and save you, I will always come and save you." And then... Darkness.

Cas' POV
I looked at the spot Dean just stood but then disappeared... I looked at Raphael with hate.
"Where is he?" I asked softly. He started laughing with a smirk. I hit the bars standing up and moving closer to him.
"Where is he?!" I yelled. I was gonna get Dean back weather it was the last thing I do, I will get him back. I will get him back because I love him.
"Somewhere where you will never find him." He replied with a smirk. I could already feel the tears come back but this time, tears of anger.
"Tell me now! Why do you care so much about angels being with humans? Why is it against the law? I don't understand any of this, why is it so bad?"
"Why is it so bad? There is nothing bad in that." Raphael said with voice full of sarcasm. "Its bad Castiel! Do you know what happens? A bond is formed. This bond connects you to that person for life. And now you are connected to that rat Winchester. You will feel his pain, you will hear his thoughts. You two are connected!" Raphael yelled just a little away from my face.
"Have you ever fell in love Raphael?" i asked with a calm tone. His face turned red from anger.
"Angels dont have feelings Castiel!"
"Exactly, if you knew what love is, you'd never judge. Emotion are never black and white, they are like symptoms. You loose your breath everytime they enter a room. Your heart beats faster when they walk by. Your skin tingles when they stand close enough to feel their breath. You dont understand that Raphael. And you will never do." i sat back on the ground looking at Raphael.
"I will let you rot in here for eternity Castiel." Raphael spat and left the room. I was left alone with my thoughts again. I could feel Dean's absence. It was so quiet without him. His constant talking and those little smiles. "I have to get him out of wherever Raphael put him. But i will need help from-" my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of an open door. I looked up to see the person i needed right now.
"Balthazar." i said and stood up. "I need your help" desperation was written all over my face so Balthazar didnt bother saying what he came for. He just sighed and said:
"Of course brother, how can i help?"

Bad things happen to good people, shame isnt it? In this case Dean did nothing wrong. What do you think Cas will ask from Balthy? Well, you'll find out in the next chapter.
-Vili and Kayla 💝💕

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