Chapter 1

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Dean checked his watch while waiting at the bus stop, Still got 10 minutes. He thought to himself.
He was on his way to Oklahoma to go visit Sam and his girlfriend, he has just gotten word 3 days ago that Jess was pregnant so he wanted to congratulate them in person. So he got the next week off of work.
Dean was a mechanic because of his love of cars... He didn't like to admit it but he was one the best mechanics in the state, people always came to him to get the job done.
That lead to him thinking about his beloved Baby, Sammy better not have messed up my car. He gave Sam the keys to the impala once he knew he wanted to start a life with Jess in Oklahoma.
He lost track of time in his thoughts and realized the bus was here. He smiled at the thought of seeing his baby brother and his 3 month pregnant girlfriend.
He got on the bus and took out his head phones to listen to music, This is gonna be a long ride, He thought to himself, but the thought of seeing his family again made him not care one bit.
The bus ride wasn't too bad he started getting a little inpatient towards the end, bouncing his leg up and down, humming sings, stuff to try to get his mind away from how nerves he was... But why was he nervous? He was going to see Sammy, Baby, and Jess... The people he loved most in his world what was so nerve racking about this? Is it a sign? He thought, he shook his head to get rid of the thought, Of course it's not a sign this visit is gonna be perfect I'm gonna see My Baby, Sammy, and his beautiful pregnant girlfriend, what could possibly go wrong?
The bus pulled up to the Oklahoma Bus Station and Dean's heart skipped a beat as he looked out the window to see Sammy looking straight at him with that soft puppy dog smile he always had.
"Sammy!" Dean whispered to himself. He quickly got his stuff and ran out of the bus giving apologies as he went by bumping people.
When he got out of the bus he looked again to where he last saw Sam, only to be greeted with an empty spot... Wasn't he just there? He thought.
"Hey, Dean!" He was startled and jumped as he turned around and saw Sammy.
"You scared the shit out me Sam..." He said taking a breath.
"Sorry." Sam said laughing. Dean chuckled along with him.
"It's nice to see you again Sammy." Dean said relieved to finally be with his family again.
"Nice to see you again too... Jerk."
"Bitch." Dean replied with a smirk.
"Okay, let's get you home you look exhausted."
Dean sighed, "you have no idea."

They pulled up to Sam and Jess' beautiful blue house... Dean smiled as he saw Jess on a seat reading a book rubbing her hand along her, not that big yet, baby bump. The car came to a stop and Dean automatically jumped out and ran to Jess, she looked up and gave him a big smile.
"De-" She was cut off by Dean picking her up and twirling around.
"God, I've missed you so much!" He said. Jess giggled.
"Okay, put my pregnant girlfriend down." Sam said from behind. Dean let her down.
"He's been 100x more protective ever since he found out. He even makes me sleep on just my back."
"I don't want the baby to get squeezed!" He relied.
"The baby won't get squeezed, Sam!" She said rolling her eyes.
"Yeah, well I'm not gonna take any chances."
"Dean, you hungry? I have supper cooling as we speak." She askes changing the subject.
"Oh, I'm starving!" He answered with a smile. God, it's good to be back.
They went inside and Dean was welcomed by the sent of pizza.

After dinner Dean excused himself to go to bed. He was exhausted and couldn't wait to sleep in his bed... Sam and Jess thought it would be a good idea when they first bought the house to give Dean one of the spare bedrooms... They had 2 so when the baby comes he won't have to give up his room. He smiled at the thought of the baby.

Dean woke up with a dry throat so he went to go get some water... He rolled out of bed and quietly went down the hall and down the 2 flights of stairs. He walked down the hall towards the kitchen when he heard a small whisper if a voice, he paused looking down the hall with a confused look on his face. He heard it again, he couldn't make out what the voice was saying, maybe a different language? He went over to grab a gold stick and walked towards the kitchen with caution. He stepped inside and let out a breath of relief as he saw Sam and Jess standing in the middle of the kitchen with Sam back facing him.
"Sammy, you guys scared the sh-" He was cut off by the sound of a blade going through skin his eyes went wide in horror has he saw Sam stabbing Jess multiple times.
"S-S-Sam?" He said with tears rolling down his face and a heart breaking look of horror written on it. Sam's head turned slowly towards Dean, it went around 360° as his body faced Jess but head towards Dean.
"You did this," Sam said, although it wasn't Sam it just looked like him... But with black eyes. "It's your fault. You shouldn't have come... Go away." He started to walk towards Dean with knive still in hand. Dean backed up. Tears rushing down his face like heavy rain.
"D-don't S-Sammy please!" He begged as he hit the fridge with his back... He was trapped.
"You brought this upon yourself!" He yelled before bringing the blade into the air Dean could see his reflection, Sam brought the knife down and-

Dean gasped and jerked up looking all over breathing heavily with sweat all over him. After a minute or two he realized it was just a dream and calmed down a bit.
"What the hell?" he whispered.

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