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Sophie pov.

'NO! NO, NO, NO, YOU IDIOT! THAT'S NOT- OH MY GOD, LEAVE THIS TO ME! YOU CAN'T READ DUTCH SO DON'T TRY TO COOK WITH A DUTCH RECEIPT YOU CAN'T READ!' Schreeuw ik woest naar Paisley die wanhopig graag een cake wilt bakken, wat hij dus nog nooit gedaan heeft.

'No, I can do this!'

'But you don't know what it says! Please, Pais, just let me do it!'

'No! I swear I got this- No! Give me the bowl back!'

'Nuh-uh. Go back to your meds, Paisley. Let the cooking over to me. Me, the one who can actually read Dutch.'

'That's just rude, Sophie. Be nice or you won't get any meds.'

'I don't even need them anymore! Plus, you put drugs in them so I don't want them anyway.'


'Eh, Miguel told me.'

'MIGUEL! WHY DID YOU TELL SOPHIE THAT I PUT DRUGS IN HER MEDS SO THE PAIN KILLERS WORK BETTER?!' schreeuwt Paisley terwijl hij woest de keuken uit stormt, het beslag achter zich latend.

'Oh, god zij dank.' Mompel ik terwijl ik vlug het recept op de achterkant van de doos van Koopmans bekijk en aan de slag ga.

'What are you doing?' Klinkt plots Maaikes stem achter me.

'I'm making a cake.'

'You can do that?'

'Well, I have a receipt so it shouldn't be too hard.'

'Did you ever did this before?' Vraagt Maaike sceptisch.

'Not that I remember.'

'I can help. I did this before. Here, give me the receipt.'

'You can't read Dutch, so no.'

'Well, you can translate it for me.'

'Maiks, just so you know, was making a cake and Sophie here stole my job because I couldn't read the receipt.' klinkt Paisleys stem plots achter ons.

'Well, she could just translate it and then we can make this cake.'

'But he never baked a cake before!' protesteer ik.

'Am I seriously the only one here who ever baked a cake before?'

'I told you that I don't remember baking a cake before the accident but maybe I did!'

'That doesn't count, Soph.'

'I think it does.'

'But it doesn't.'

'Fine! Then I won't translate the receipt for you.'

'Why are you so stubborn?!'

'I don't know. I learned it from you probably.'

'No, you didn't.'

'She probably did.'

'You wouldn't know that, Paisley so stay out of this.'

'No need to be rude...' zegt Paisley terwijl hij zijn handen in een verzoenend gebaar omhoog houd. 'Fucking werewolves...' mompelt hij er zachtjes achteraan.

'Oh, what is it with us "fucking werewolves"? The question is: what in the holy hell is it with you humans?!'

'I'm not a human.'

'Well, what are you then? Because you're not a werewolf, vampire or ghostwalker.'

'I'm a fribtin.'

It's complicated ●The Lost Mind Series●Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat