Chapter 29

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Nash POV

"Do you guys want to FaceTime the guys?" Ava asked Cam and I. We nodded as she pulled out her laptop, quickly opening to FaceTime. "Who's would they be at?" She asked.

"Probably Matt's." Cam answered. Ava nodded, scrolling through her contacts until she found Matt.

Her computer only rang for a moment before Matt picked up, everyone in the background grinning. "HI GUYS!" Matt screamed, and I didn't miss the fact that Cat was sitting practically on top of him. We laughed.

"Hi." We said in sync. We still hadn't told the guys about Ava and I, but we knew that we had to soon.

"What's up?" Gilinsky asked, taking a seat in front of the screen. Cam shrugged.

"We're just hanging out."

"So Espinosa, did you get the balls to ask Cat out yet?" Ava asked. I smirked at her forwardness, putting a hand on the small of her back. They both blushed, looking down. Matt looked back up.

"I'll ask her out when you ask Ava out." Matt said, assuming he was clever. Ava and I looked at each other, smirking.

"You might want to take that back, Espinosa." Cam said with a chuckle. I looked down at Ava.

"I asked Ava out yesterday." I said. She looked up at me, her eyes wide. I smiled and her face broke out into a grin.

You're bullshitting me." Matt said. Ava smirked at the screen.

"Afraid not, Matthew Espinosa." She said. The group cheered loudly as Matt and Cat looked down nervously.

"Relax, Matt, we're just messing with you. You can't ask her out in front of us, that's tacky." I said. He rolled his eyes as we laughed.

"Back to you two, so Nava's a real thing?" Johnson asked. Ava blushed..

"Yeah." I said, grabbing Ava's hand. They "awe'd."

"And it's going to stay this time?" Gilinsky asked. Ava smiled up at me.

"It's going to stay this time." She confirmed. I smiled at her, pecking her lips. They "awe'd" again and Ava smiled against my lips, pulling away. I looked at Matt to see him looking at Cat longingly. I smirked, pointing them out discretely to Ava. She grinned, squeezing my hand.

"Have you gone on a date yet?"

"Last night."

"Where'd you go?

"We went to dinner."

"Congratulations, guys. I know Ava's liked you for a while, dude." Taylor said to me. Ava's eyes widened as she blushed, staring at her lap. I smiled. "I didn't stop liking her, so I guess I'm pretty pathetic." She looked at me. "What about when we hated each other?" "I liked you." I told her, earning a grin from her. "Told you." Cam said. We laughed.


After FaceTiming with the guys, I decided it'd be best if I tried to talk to Tori. I really missed her, and I wanted to be able to tell my best friend about my boyfriend. That was only normal, wasn't it? I turned to Nash.

"I'm going to go in my room and FaceTime Tori." I said. He gave me a weak smile and nodded.

"Okay. Good luck." He said, leaning forward and kissing my cheek, I smiled, going to my room. I scrolled through my contacts, this time stopping at Tori's name. I bit my lip, pressing the call button. It took quite a few rings, but she picked up. I looked at her, sympathy flooding her eyes and making it easy to read her, even through a computer screen.

I'm The Babysitter II n.gTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon