Chapter 18

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Nash POV

"Ready, bro?" Cameron asked in the drivers seat. I sighed and nodded, grabbing my bag and getting into the car. "It's gonna be okay." He said, driving to the airport.

"She said goodbye." I told him. He sighed and nodded.

"I know, dude. That doesn't mean anything, you gotta stop letting her get to you like that. Things are going to work out, and if they don't, there's millions of girls in line for you." He said. I shook my head.

"That's not helping at all, Cam. You know I don't want another girl." I said.

"But if things don't work out with Ava, you're going to move on. And then you will want another girl. You're sixteen, Nash. Just give it time. It'll get better."

"How could my mom do this to me?" I asked to nobody, ignoring what Cam had said. He sighed.

"She's trying to protect you." He said, parking. I rolled my eyes, opening the door.

"Well she's doing a shitty job of it." I said, slamming the door behind me. ­


"Are you guys okay?" I asked Tori and Cat. They smiled and looked at me.

"Don't worry about us, Ava." Cat said.

"We're fine, worry about yourself." Tori told me. I smiled gently, crossing my legs taking a sip of my hot chocolate.

"Come on, let's do something fun." Cat said.

"Let's go to the mall. My treat." Tori said. I shook my head.

"I'll go, but I have my own money. You're not paying for me." I told Tori. She grinned.

"Yes I am. End of discussion. So let's get dressed and go." She said. I gave both of them a smile before going to my closet, looking through it. I picked out an outfit and changed quickly into a white crop top, jean shorts and a Nike jacket. I grabbed my curling iron and heating it up. I did my hair quickly. I walked out to meet them.

"You look great, Ava." Cat agreed and I smiled.

"Thanks, guys." I said as we all grabbed our phones. Tori wouldn't let me bring my wallet, so they both grabbed theirs and I left with only a phone.


"What do you want to do next?" Tori asked as we walked out of Forever 21. Cat and I looked ahead to a small salon, looking at each other with smirks.

"Let's get ombre." Cat said. I grinned as we ran over to the salon, asking them for ombre. ­ Everyone's turned out great. Cat's and my hair were both brown to blonde ombre, because we were both natural brunettes. Tori had blonde hair, so she decided to ombre her hair pink.

"Thank you so much." I said to the hairdressers as Tori and Cat paid. They smiled and waved as we left, Cat grinning at me.

"What?" I asked her. She smiled.

"I'm glad you're doing alright, Ava. I'm glad you're allowing yourself to change." She said. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her.

"Thanks, Cat." I giggled and sniffled as I pulled away, blinking back tears. Her and Tori smiled.

"You guys want to grab something to eat?" Tori asked. Cat and I agreed as we headed off to Taco Bell. ­


Nash POV

I smiled, walking onto stage. I was happy that the fans didn't know Ava and I had ever been together, because then I'd have to explain why we were no longer a couple. I still did have to explain why she was no longer a part of Magcon. To tell the truth, I would have to explain our relationship. So I had to lie. ­ When it finally came, I was ready.

"Nash, why isn't Ava here today?" One of the fans asked. I sighed.

"Alright you guys, I've been holding off on some sad news. So recently, Ava decided that she no longer wants to be part of Magcon, and she no longer wants to be Sky's babysitter, which is also why Sky is at home, she loved being here at magcon, but she had other thing she needed to do in her life." I said, the crowed screamed and boo'd and I shook my head.

"Guys­" but they wouldn't let me talk. They just kept booing. I felt terrible, because I knew what kind of feedback Ava was going to receive now that I had told the fans. I sighed and left it at that, continuing on with Magcon. ­


I smiled as we walked out of Taco Bell, looking around. Before anyone could say anything, my phone rang. I raised an eyebrow and answered it.


"Ava? Are you still at the mall?" My mom asked.

"Yeah, we were planning on staying until they close. Why? What's up?"

"I have some news..." She said nervously. It sounded like she'd been crying.

"What's up, mom?"

"Are you sure you don't want to wait until you get home?" She asked. I shook my head, even though she couldn't see me.

"No. No, that's fine. You can tell me now." I said, putting my hand over my other ear.

"Our electricity is off, honey." I raised an eyebrow in confusion, but she continued.

"I can't pay the bills anymore, so they shut off our electricity. We need to move to a smaller house, darling. But I can't afford anything." She said. She was definitely crying. My hand covered my mouth and I shook my head.

"No, no, mom. Don't cry. There's gotta be something we can do. We're not going to move mom, we'll fix this."

"Honey, this is my problem, not yours­"

"No." I said, interrupting. "I live in the house, too. It's not just your problem."

"Sweetheart, listen. Please don't worry about it. Please. I just wanted to tell you because I don't know how much longer we're going to be around Cat and Tori for, so I want you to spend quality time with them." She said. "Please have fun, enjoy your mall day. Please don't worry." I sighed.

"I won't. Things will get better, mom."

"Have fun, sweetheart." She said quietly, hanging up the phone. I sighed and tucked it into my pocket.

"What's up?" Tori asked. I shook my head.

"Just money problems, we might lose the house."

"Oh, Ava­" Cat began. I shook my head.

"No, no. Don't. Things will work out. I'll do something. I'll get a job." I knew there weren't very many high paying jobs for someone my age, but I was determined to do something. I had to do something. That's when I saw a cart in the middle of the aisle, with brochures for a job I thought I would never consider. I bit my lip. I would've never considered it before, but if it was high paying enough... I walked over to the cart with a large smile.

"Hi, my name is Ava. Where can I apply to be a model?"

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