Chapter 13

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Nash POV

I woke up with a pounding headache. I looked around, seeing I was in a hospital. I tried to think about what had happened, and I remembered that Ava and I had crashed.


A nurse walked in. "Oh, honey, you're awake!" I sat up straight, my head throbbing.

"Where's Ava?" I asked.


"Don't 'honey' me! Where the hell is Ava?!"

"We need to take care of you first..."

"No! We don't! I need to take care of Ava, now tell me where the hell she is!" I snapped, not caring if I hurt her feelings or not.

"What's the problem?" Another nurse said, coming into the room.

"Will somebody tell me where Ava is!?" I screamed. The new nurse rolled her eyes.

"Beth, you can go. I've got him from here." I glared at the woman.

"Where the hell is Ava?" I snapped.

"Look kid, your little your little girlfriend is fine. Now shut up about her and answer my questions."

"She's not my girlfriend." I mumbled. She smirked.

"Somebody seems upset about that." I glared at her as she flipped through her notes.

"How do you feel?"

"I have a headache."

"Anything else?"


"Are you dizzy?"

"Sort of."

"Are you currently on any medication?"


"I'm going to give you Advil, you should be fine other than a few cuts and bruises."

"Fine." She pulled a bag out of her pocket and handed me three pills. I dry swallowed them quickly.

"Can I leave now?" I asked. She smirked.

"Go ahead and get your girlfriend, kid." I rolled my eyes and stood up, feeling better almost immediately. I ran to the front desk quickly.

"Can you tell me what room Ava Jacobson is in?" I asked.

"B33, sweetheart. Are you immediate family?"

"No, but-­"

"Sorry, sweetheart, only immediate family is allowed in right now."

"She doesn't have any family here!" I shouted.

"I'm sorry. You can't see her. Only family." The rest of the group, including Cat ran up behind me.

"Nash is her family, lady." Taylor snapped.

"I'm sorry, kid." She said. I rolled my eyes and eyed the rooms. The moment I saw room B33, I sprinted away from the group.

"Hey! Get that kid!" The receptionist screamed. I ran in to see Ava, lying lifeless on the hospital bed.

"Clear!" The doctor yelled, pressing the defibrillator to her chest and jolting her with energy. She didn't wake up. By that time, I was being dragged out by the security guard.

"Ava!" I screamed. I heard the doctor yell

"clear" again, but I couldn't see anything.

"Get them out! All of them!" The receptionist screeched. Our whole group was thrown out onto the street, wondering what happened to Ava. Everyone sat in silence outside, none of us could bear to talk to one another. I sat on the bench with my head in my hands. Bart showed up, sighing at us.

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