Chapter 4

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I woke up with a smile on my face, ready to start the day.

I smiled as I saw Sky sit up, yawning.

"Morning, Sky," I said. She smiled.

"Morning Ava. What are we doing today?" She asked.

I shrugged and checked my phone for the time. "It's already ten forty, so we should probably get dressed and have some breakfast." She nodded as we went to our closets, looking for clothes. I picked out a pink crop top and shorts with a gray sweater, that seemed suitable for pretty much anything and quickly changed, texting Nash.

Ava: What are we doing today? He responded almost immediately.

Nash: Well everyone's pretty much doing whatever they feel like. I know that Sky wants to go to the aquarium, and so do me, Cam, and the Jacks so that's what we're doing. Shawn, Aaron, Carter, Hayes, and Taylor want to go penny boarding again and maybe hit some stores, and Matt's not up yet, so we're pretty much going with the flow. I smiled.

Ava: Sounds great. I'll talk to you later then.

Nash: Awesome, text me if you want to meet up or something. Can you have Sky come down to the lobby in a few minutes?

Ava: She hasn't had breakfast btw. Nash: We can get her some on the way. Mia: Kk. I'll talk to you later then, have fun at the aquarium! I'll tell Sky.

Nash: Perfect, thanks! And you have fun, too. You know, not babysitting and all.

Ava: I feel bad. I'm getting paid for something I'm not doing.

Nash: It's no biggie, really. My mom's just being dramatic. We like hanging out with you anyways, so it's not a big deal to help out.

Ava: Thanks, Nash :) I'll talk to you soon!

Nash: Alright, have fun and relax :) I smiled, tucking my phone into my pocket.

"Sky, you're going to go to the aquarium with Nash today, is that alright?" She nodded excitedly and I laughed.

"Alright, they're waiting for you in the lobby. Let's go!" She followed me and I dropped her off with the boys as they smiled at me.

"Have fun!" I yelled, walking back to my room.

"You too!" They all yelled in sync. I laughed and raced to my room, grabbing my wallet to go get breakfast. I went down to the banquet hall and smiled as I saw Matt.

"Matthew," I said, pouring myself a cup of coffee.

"Ava." He said, taking a bite of his bagel. I laughed as I grabbed an apple, going to sit down.

"So did the boys tell you what they're doing today?" He asked. I nodded.


"So what do you want to do?" He asked. I thought about it.

"How hot is it?" I asked. He shrugged, pulling out his phone.

"Let me check." He said. I waited until he found the weather.

"Jesus Christ, the high is ninety­six degrees." He said. I groaned.


"We could go to the beach." He suggested. I nodded.

"Yeah, sounds fun." He smiled.

"Perfect, then I'm going to go change and finish my bagel and I'll meet you in the lobby?" He asked. I nodded.

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