Chapter 30

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The next few minutes went by painfully slowly. Nobody spoke, and nobody moved. Everyone exchanged glances with other people. Other than the flicker of their eyes or the attempts to keep their tears quiet, everyone remained motionless and silent.

Nash looked at Ava, who was looking down at her lap. He could see the tears sliding down her cheeks, and the closer he looked, he noticed that she had been holding her breath. She was trying so hard not to make noise. Nobody knew what to do. What is there that you can do if your plane is hijacked? It seemed as if the plane ride would remain silent the whole flight, until the hijacker's voice came over the intercom again.

"Can we please see Ryan Bradshaw in the cockpit?" A man cleared his throat, and everyone turned to face him. He was shaking, and he looked sickly pale. He stood up slowly, dragging his legs to follow the order he was given.

And once he was out of sight, it was quiet again. Not silent, like last time, there were whispers exchanged between couples and family members.

After what seemed like an eternity later, the same raspy voice echoed through the plane again, only this time, he walked into the aisle, his face covered with a ski mask. "See? It wasn't that bad, was it, folks? Your plane will be landing shortly, and the explosive has been disarmed. We just had a few things to clear up. Relax, and please, enjoy your flight." He said, a hint of a mocking tone in his voice. Everyone tried to avoid his gaze as he walked up and down the aisle. Ava glanced at him, immediately looking away, but it wasn't quick enough. The man walked over to her, a smirk forming on his lips, one of the only things that was visible on his body. "Don't be scared, darling. It'll be over soon." He said, placing a hand on her cheek and letting it slide down her shoulder and to her upper arm, giving her bicep a squeeze. Ava remained motionless, her eyes burning holes into the back of the seat in front of her. "You're going to be just fine." The man assured her with an all too‑ friendly grin.

Nobody fully believed that they were going to get off safely yet. Why would you? But they did.



I stepped off of the plane with shaky movements, holding my breath. The moment my feet hit the ground, I lost myself, walking straight ahead, but not completely aware of my movements. I walked into the airport and Nash jogged to be in front of me, Cam trailing close behind us. I saw out friends,waving and smiling at us. Nobody spoke. Nash stopped me with his hands, holding me by my shoulders. I shuddered, immediately pulling back. I didn't want anyone to touch me. Not after the man had touched me.

"Ava." Nash mumbled. I looked up to meet his gaze, his large blue eyes filled with tears. It broke my heart. I lost it there, completely losing all restraint over my trembling limbs and watering eyes. I breathed heavily, shaking so much I was worried I'd fall over. I did. I collapsed onto my knees, my sobs tumbling past my lips in strangled noises. I saw Nash hold out his hands and I realized how desperate I suddenly was to get rid of the man's touch. I wanted comforting arms, I wanted someone to hold me. I continued to sob, letting Nash grab my hands and pull me up, against his trembling body. Our friends had now surrounded us, clearly extremely worried.

"Nash." I sobbed, my throat burning from crying so hard.

"Shh, Ava. I'm here." He said. I buried my face into his neck, my sobs wracking my body. I couldn't control myself. Once Nash let me go, everyone came to us silently, hugging us as if they didn't want to damage us any further by asking why we were crying. I fell into Tori's arms, pulling her tightly against me.

Everything went by in a blur, and that's the only way I could explain it.

It was like staring at a candle, watching the small flame flicker in the dark and move back and forth. You slowly became unaware of everything around you, drifting off into what seemed like unconsciousness, although I was awake. I couldn't form words, my breathing becoming too unsteady whenever I tried to say something. It's not like I knew what to say, anyway. I couldn't explain it. Everyone get scared in their lives at one time or another. But being frozen was a completely different sensation.

You're very vaguely aware of everything around you, zoning out. It's as if you can't let anyone know what you're thinking, because if you were to say it out loud, the feeling would never go away. It was completely and utterly

empty. I was in a crowd, surrounded by my closest friends, people I cared about deeply. But I had never felt so alone. The noise around me was unbearable, but at the same time, all I could here was my thoughts. And it was petrifying.

I fell into Nash's arms again, feeling his lips against my head. I wanted to say something. I needed to say something. About how he meant everything to me, how I don't know how I would've gotten through anything like that without him. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing but a small whimper came out, a noise I'm sure he couldn't have heard.

"You're okay." He whispered. "I'm here." I stopped trembling. I never thought I'd be grateful to hear the obnoxious background noise again, my thoughts being drowned out by the people yelling in the airport, people ordering their tickets, suitcases being dragged across the floor.

But I was, and it was thanks to Nash's next words. "Mia." He said, looking me in the eyes. "I love you."

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