Chapter 31

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My eyes widened as I stared at him, the sound around us finally coming back to life again.

I was frozen, and afraid, but it was the good kind, not like the kind on the plane.

I love you.

Three little words, and they had the ability to render me completely helpless. He loved me. Nash Grier loved me. Me. Did I love him? I wasn't entirely sure I knew what love was.

I got butterflies around him, regardless if we were dating or not. I constantly thought about him, even when I knew I should be focusing on something completely different. He made me so unbelievably happy.

Was that love? Does anyone really know what love is? I mean, there wasn't a code to follow to see whether or not you were in love. Everyone had their own opinions on love. Am I too young? Could you be too young?

The way Nash made me feel was indescribable, but I wasn't sure it was love.

He continued to look at me as I snapped back to reality. He had probably been waiting for a reply while I was lost in my thoughts. But honestly, I didn't have one. So I panicked and did the first thing I could think of.

"Can we go home?" I asked, pretending I hadn't heard his previous statement. He looked confused, and then hurt, and then disappointed.

"Um, yeah. Sure." Hopefully he thought I'd been too caught up in my own thoughts and hadn't heard him. I nodded and grabbed his hand, walking out with him and the rest of my friends. We got into Cam's car, driving home together.

Cam, Nash, and I all went back to my place. We sat on the couch, immediately turning on the news.

"In recent news, the hijacker of flight 201 has been caught. One man died on this flight, the name of the man has yet to be released. This man that was killed was involved in a drug deal, and when things went bad, his boss scheduled a hijacking. His boss has also been caught, along with the rest of the people involved in this ring. The explosive that was on board has been disarmed and everyone else on the flight got home safely. Everyone sends their prayers out to those shaken by this traumatic experience. Stay safe, and happy holidays." The woman on the television spoke. I sighed and buried my face in Nash's shirt.

"It's alright babe, we're safe now."

"I can't believe the whole thing was over a drug deal." Cam mumbled. I shook my head, looking down.

"Me either."

"Thank God you're all safe." My mom said, setting a hand on my knee. The doorbell rang after that, breaking the silence.

"That's probably my mom. I'll see you guys later, text me."

"Bye Cam." I said, waving gently. Once he left, my mom positioned herself in front of us.

"I was going to surprise you two, but you could probably use some good news now. Nash's mom agreed to spending Christmas with us." My face immediately brightened as I wrapped my arms around her.


"Really." I smiled and pulled away, leaning against Nash.

"I'm not surprised, my mom loves you guys." He said. I grinned. I could hardly wait for Christmas.

It had been a week since the incident, and it was Christmas Eve. My mom and I were baking cookies when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." I said, wiping my hands off on my apron and jogging to the door.

"Hello, beautiful." Nash said sweetly, leaning against the door frame. I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Hi." I whispered. He grinned as my mom walked into the room.

"Hello Nash." She sang. He smiled.

"Hi Ms. Jacobson. What are you guys up to?" "We're making cookies." I said, showing him my hands.

"Do you guys need any help?" He asked. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I guess we'll see."

I woke up early, flinging myself out of bed and down the stairs. I grinned widely at the presents under the tree, and even bigger at the boy leaning against the door. I ran to him, hugging him tightly.

"Merry Christmas, Ava." He said with a smile.

"Merry Christmas, Nash." He grinned and handed me a small box as I handed him a large one. He opened his, grinning at the new video camera.

"Thank you so much." He said, pulling me into a hug. I smiled as I pulled away, opening mine. Inside, there was a beautiful charm bracelet with everything that was special to me hanging off of it.

"It's beautiful." I said, smiling at Nash. He took it out, helping me clasp it on my wrist.

"It's nothing compared to you." He said with a grin. I laughed, pushing him gently.

"Shut up." He grinned, glancing upward.

"Hey Ava?"


"I think your mom had something planned."

"Yeah? What's that?"

"Lookup." He said. I did as he said, blushing at the leaves hanging from the door frame.

"She's pretty sneaky when she wants to be." Nash smiled, putting his hand on my cheek. As our lips inched closer together, I rested my forehead on his, remembering something.

"Nash?" I asked. He hummed in response.

"I love you." I said. He grinned, meeting my eyes.

"I knew you heard me." He said, spinning us around so I was pressed against the door. He connected our lips quickly and expertly, smiling into the kiss.

"I love you, too."

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