Chapter 25

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"I miss you." I whispered to my laptop.

Cameron smiled on the other side of the screen.

"I miss you too, babe."

"I hate school." I said. He chuckled.

"It's been a month. And this way you have a lot of time with Nash."

"Right, Nash, my friend." I said, crossing my arms. Cam smirked.

"You've got it bad, don't you?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and he laughed. "Ava, he likes you. He does. You two are going to get back together, I promise."

"Maybe this experiment wasn't a good idea. We're both losing our best friends, Cam." He sighed, leaning back on his bed frame.

"I know. But I know Nash, he won't just go along with this. Give it a little more time. He's going to break."

"I hope so." He grinned.

"He will. Tell you what, just get through this last week of school, okay? Then we're on break for two weeks and we're flying out to Colorado. We'll really amp up the couple crap out there." He said. I nodded, sighing.


"Okay." He replied. I glared at him through the screen.

"I swear to god, Dallas. If you quote that movie one more time‑"

"You love me." He said with a huge grin. I shook my head, breaking into a smile.

"I do. But it's late, I should go to bed. I've got to do well this week." He smiled.

"Night. Good luck at school, I love you." I smiled at him.

"Thanks Cam. I love you too." He smiled as I clicked end, closing my laptop and drifting off to sleep.

"Ready?" Nash asked, squeezing my hand. I smiled at him and nodded, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"More than ever." I said. He grinned and slipped out of his sweater, helping me put it on myself. I smiled as I got in on, reconnecting our hands and walking outside. Almost as soon as we walked out into the snow, a car honked at us. I looked at the car in front of me as the driver's side door opened, Cameron running out. I grinned and he ran to me, cupping my face with his hands and connecting our lips. I let go of Nash's hand and wrapped my arms around Cam's neck, smiling into the kiss. He grinned, pulling away slowly.

"Hi beautiful."


Nash cleared his throat behind us, but we ignored him, hugging tightly.

"I missed you." Cam said. I smiled.

"I missed you too." He pulled away, grabbing my hand.

"Hey bro." He said to Nash. Nash nodded, giving him a half smile.


"How have you been?" Nash shrugged.

"Pretty good. It's a lot easier to get through school when Ava's there." He said. I blushed, thankful that it was dark outside so he couldn't see me.

"I could imagine." Cam said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and kissing my cheek. I giggled and I swore I saw Nash roll his eyes, but that could have just been my imagination. I locked eyes with Nash as Cam kissed down my neck. He just looked at me, and I could have sworn he looked upset. Again, it was probably just my imagination.

"Ready to go?" Nash asked rather curtly. Cam and I nodded, following him into the car. I sat in the passenger's seat next to Nash and Cam got into the back, tired of driving. Nash glanced over at me before starting the car. I set my hand down on the center console, looking out the window at the snow falling around us. I shivered slightly and watched as Nash checked the mirror, looking at... Cam? Why was he looking at Cam?

Once he saw that he was looking out the window, he reached over and grabbed my hand, immediately warming me up. He looked at Cam to make sure he wouldn't see. I blushed and looked up at him, but he continued to look straight ahead. But if he didn't think I saw the corners of his mouth trying to force away a smile, he was wrong. I blushed again and positioned our hands into a more comfortable arrangement, looking out the window.

I got a text and pulled out my phone with my free hand, looking at the screen.

Cam: I see you holding Nash's hand. And I also happen to know that you're wearing his sweater. Are you cheating on me?? ;)

I blushed and rolled my eyes, putting my phone back in my pocket and looking over at Nash.

"How much time until we get to the hotel?" I asked. He checked his phone with his free hand and looked over at me.

"A little over an hour. If you're tired, you might as well sleep." He said. I nodded and continued to hold his hand, leaning against the window. I saw him look at me with a smile.

"That can't be comfortable. I can pull over if you want to lay with Cam in the back." He said quietly. I smiled, closing my eyes and giving his hand a small squeeze.

"I'm fine." I said. He grinned as I opened one eye to look at him, immediately wiping it off his face once he knew I had seen. I laughed silently and closed my eyes again, falling quickly asleep.


"Ava." Nash whispered. I opened my eyes and stretched, looking out the window. There, in front of me, was a massive log cabin with snow falling in piles around it. I gasped and unbuckled my seat belt, running out of the car.

"Nobody told me it was a cabin!" I screeched, picking up snow and throwing it around. Nash came out of the car laughing as Cam somehow remained asleep.

"We wanted it to be a surprise."

"It's gorgeous!" I said, throwing snow at him. His eyes widened as he smirked, picking up a handful of snow and going to throw it at me. I dodged it quickly, running closer to the cabin. Nash chased me around to the back as I hid behind a bush. After a few seconds, I didn't see him anymore and I thought I might be in the clear.

"Boo." Nash whispered in my ear. I screamed and ran away, not looking back. He caught me in the backyard, tripping me as I fell into the snow. I gasped and looked up at him. I kicked the back of his knee, resulting in him toppling over into the snow as well. I smirked as he gasped at the cold, quickly pouncing on me and pinning my shoulders down in the snow.

"I got you." I said.

"I got you first." He whispered with a smirk.

"Actually, I threw snow at you first so... I got you first." I said quietly. He smiled, his eyes meeting mine.

"Smart ass." He mumbled. I grinned as his eyes slowly glanced down to my lips, back up to my eyes. Oh my god. I let my eyes drift down as well, looking at his full lips and back to his beautiful eyes.

"Nash." I whispered. He looked away, loosening his grip on my shoulders.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just‑" I cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

"Kiss me." I whispered. His eyes widened as he looked down at me. I nodded slowly as he cupped my face with his freezing hands, quickly closing the space between us and connecting our lips. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him even closer to me.

I missed his touch more than anything, and I couldn't stand being apart any longer. I never stopped thinking about him, and it was driving me crazy. Even though my back was pressed into the snow and the water was seeping through my shirt, Nash was keeping me warm. I reached up, tangling my fingers in his hair and pulling softly as the kiss deepened.

I pulled away much sooner than I would've liked to be by a voice breaking the peaceful silence.

"Are you fucking joking?"

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