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"Mom! Dad! Hurry! We'll be late!!" one of my twins shouted from downstairs.

"Hold on dear!" I shouted back as I fixed my husband's tie.

"How much time do we have?" Nash asked

"15 minutes." I answered and finished his tie. He smiled at me approvingly as we both made our way downstairs to see our twins, Mia and Riley putting on their shoes. They both had Nash's eyes and my hair color. But Riley had a small dimples and Mia had my brains.

"Finally!" Mia started once he spotted us

"It was about time." Riley finished

"Hey, go easy on your mother." Nash walked up to them

"Um, they were talking about you." I pointed

"Actually I was talking about mommy." Riley looked at me

"And I was talking about Daddy." Mia pointed at Nash

"Did you finish your breakfast?" I asked. They nodded. I gave them a look and checked in the trash "GUYS!" I yelled at them as they hid behind their daddy's legs "You two better finish these apples before we arrive at school." I handed them both an apple as they bit into it and giggled

"Come on guys." Nash ushered us all out of the house as he locked it. The two were in the back while I was in the passenger seat with Nash driving.

"Excited for you first day?" Nash asked

"So excited!" Riley answered

"Yeah! So excited, my head could explode!" Mia added

"If your head explodes, how will you go to school?" I asked

"I can't.." Mia revised. Then Nash's hand intertwined with mine as he drove. It's been 14 years, and I still get that tingly feeling inside me. We dropped the twins off at school and gave them a kiss goodbye. Then Nash stopped at Tim Horton's to get us both a coffee and a donut for myself before driving off again.

"I'll pick you up from work after I pick up those two rascals. Then we'll go to that carnival at the beach." he planned when he stopped the car. I nodded and handed him the other half of the donut and giving him a kiss on the lips.

"I love you." we both said as the same time before I giggle and opened the door, then waved goodbye to him, earning a wave back. His car didn't leave until I was inside the building.


After Nash pick up the girls and I we went to the carnival, there we met up with Cameron, Tori, Matt and Cat.

Cameron and Tori got married two years ago and Tori is pregnant were and still not sure if its a boy or a girl. Matt finally got the balls to ask out Cat, there so cute together honestly it reminds me of an old married couple, But their only engaged.

Over all life as been pretty great, I married the love of my life, had two kids and about to have a baby boy. I still have my same best friends.

Nash kissed my cheek and our hands intertwined as Mia and Riley ran off with Matt and Cat followed by Cam and Tori.

"I love you, Ava". Nash said looking into my eyes.

"I love you two". I smiled kissing his lips.

"I have loved you ever since you became Skylynns babysitter" I hugged Nash and smiled.

"Thats me I'm The Babysitter". We both laughed.


So that's the end of my story I hope you guys liked it. I know the ending is kinda cheesy but who doesn't love a cheesy ending! Love you guys <3 

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