Chapter 11

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I smiled, pulling away as the crowd went nuts, screaming and throwing things.

"And that's the end of our stage time for today! We'll see you guys down there at the meet and greets!" I yelled into a mic as the audience screamed, heading to the meet and greet area. We walked off of stage as Nash came up next to me with a smirk.

"You and Espinosa, then?" He asked, pulling me discreetly away. I blushed.

"I don't know I kinda like him." I said honestly. I just left out the part where I had conflicting feelings for Nash as well.

"Ask him out!" Nash whisper yelled. My eyes widened. If Nash liked me at all, he wouldn't have told me to ask Matt out, and he probably would've admitted it by now.

"Maybe." I said. He grinned.

"Good." I blushed as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, walking to the meet and greet. Bart had a different way for us to get there so the fans wouldn't know where we were. Once we got to the area, the fans screamed and jumped up and down as we arrived.

"Hey everyone!" Nash said with a grin. They screamed in line as we set up each of our sections, mine on the end and Nash next to me. I grinned as the girl that had told us to do truth or dare came up to me.

"hey Sarah". I said with a smile. She gasped.

"You remembered my name?" She said, tears welling up in her eyes. I grinned, pulling her into a hug.

"Of course." I said with a smile. She sniffled, pulling away.

"Will you take a picture with me?" She asked. I grinned.

"I'd love to."

"Can Nash be in it too?" She asked. I smiled and nodded.

"Nash, get your ass over here." I said. He smirked, telling his fans he'd be right there.

"Yes, mother?" I giggled.

"We're going to take a picture with Sarah." I said. He grinned, looking down at Sarah.

"No problem." He said. She held out her phone with the front facing camera on us, snapping the picture as Nash and I kissed her cheeks.

"Thank you so much." She said, wiping the tears. Nash chuckled and pulled her into a hug as I grinned at him from over her shoulder. Nash pulled away as she walked back to me, leaning in to my ear.

"I was wondering if you would have rather kissed Nash or Matt on stage." She said. I blushed deeply and leaned in to her ear this time.

"Don't tell anyone. I would've rather kissed Nash." I said. Honestly, I was shocked at my own answer. I would've rather kissed Nash? It didn't even take me a second to think about it. She grinned as I pulled away and thanked me one last time. As she walked away, I noticed Nash's eyes on me. I turned to him to see him smirking widely.


"You would have rather kissed me?" He asked quietly. I shook my head.

"I said Matt."

"No you didn't. I heard you." He said, his smirk growing wider. I smiled slightly. "You like Matt and you would rather kiss me?" He asked. I sighed.

"Let's talk about this later." I said. He grinned.

"You know, that could be arranged. The kiss, I mean." He said. I gasped and pushed him, but instead he grabbed my wrists and pulled me closer to him, my chest touching his.

"You're cute when you blush." I blushed deeper and pulled from his grasp, going back to the fans.

"I'm Katie!" She said. I grinned.

"I'm Ava!" She laughed.

"I know who you are. Will you sign my shirt?" She asked. I looked down at her shirt. It was a picture of Nash and I hugging, a picture I had no idea was being taken. It was probably a screenshot of some vine. Under the picture was a quote in cursive reading "And then you meet one person. And your life changes. Forever." I smiled and nodded, trying not to stare too long.

"Of course." I said. "Front or back?"

"Back please, and could you write your favorite quote?" She asked. I nodded, smiling. I signed my name and thought about what to write. I ended up writing "Love might not come fast, and it might not come easy, but the best kind of love is the love you have to work for." She grinned at me as I smiled, waving as she walked away.

"Did you see her shirt?" Nash asked with a smirk as he signed a picture of himself. I blushed and rolled my eyes.

"Yes I saw it." He chuckled and I continued to sign posters and shirts and even bodies.

"Ava, come here and take a picture!" Matt called. I smiled tiredly and walked to Matt, who was grinning.

"Hey there, cutie." The girl in front of us squealed as I laughed.

"Hey, Espinosa." The girl smiled as Matt and I both gave her side hugs. She smiled as we pulled away.

"Please tell me you two have feelings for each other." She said with a slight whine. Matt smiled at me before looking at the girl.

"Ava likes someone else." He said.

"Sorry babe." He said, giving her a smile before she left. I shook my head at Matt.

"You're wrong, you know. I don't like Nash." I said, walking back to my stand. I felt his eyes on me as I left, but I ignored it, swaying slightly back and forth. As I moved my hips gently, I heard him groan quietly and I smirked, heading back to my station. After meeting an insane amount of fans, Bart came onto the microphone.

"Alright guys, that's it for today! We'll see you tomorrow for the last day!" He said. After the fans cleared out, the group and I headed back to the hotel. It was starting to get chillier, so we decided to spend the rest of the day in the rooms.

Once we got back, I ran up to my room, quickly changing into a pair of shorts and a long sleeve, throwing my long, now curly hair, into a messy ponytail. I smiled as Sky changed into a loose tank top and a pair of sweatpants. As I was putting her hair in braids for her, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I said. As soon as the words left my mouth, Matt, Nash, Cam, Mahogany, and Hayes came into the room. I smiled.

"What's up?" I asked, tying Sky's hair with a hair tie.

"Is it alright if we chill here? Your room's the biggest." Mahogany said. I smiled and nodded, standing up.

"No problem." I said, walking to my bed and sitting down, leaning my back against the wall and pulling out my phone. After a while of talking to each other and laughing, we all fell asleep. It was a great night, and I was lucky to have friends like the ones I had met at Magcon.

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