Chapter 17

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"Ava." A voice whispered. I opened my eyes slowly to see a pair of large blue eyes peering into mine. I grinned as he smiled at me.

"We're at the airport." He said. I smiled and stretched, standing up. Nash grabbed my bag for me as we headed into the airport.

"My car's here, so we can take that to your place first then back to mine?" He asked. I nodded. I was nervous about talking to his mom about us. I knew she liked me and I liked her, but I didn't know if she'd like the idea of Nash and I together.

My mom would be fine with it.

We drove in silence the short way to my house. Nash opened his door and jogged around to mine, opening it for me. I grinned and blushed as Hayes "awe'd." I rolled my eyes as Nash smirked.

"Hayes, stay here with Sky. We'll be out in a second." He said, taking my hand. I smiled and crawled out as he grabbed my bag with his free hand. I rang the doorbell to reveal my mother grinning. She was going to hug me before she noticed mine and Nash's fingers intertwined.

"Finally!" She cheered, pulling me into a hug. I blushed as Nash smirked.

"Finally?" He asked. My mom pulled away and grinned.

"She talks about you all the time." I blushed deeper.

"Mom." I whined as Nash smiled, pulling me into him and kissing my temple. My mom grinned.

"Have you told your mom yet?" She asked Nash. He shook his head.

"Not yet. We're dropping Ava's stuff off here and doing whatever she needs to do, then we'll head back to my house and tell her." My mom smiled and nodded.

"Sounds good, well glad your home". She said to me. I smiled.

"I'm glad I'm home, too." I said honestly, walking with Nash to my bedroom. He set my bag down as I grabbed an outfit, smiling.

"I'm going to change in the bathroom." He smirked, squeezing my hand.

"I don't mind." He said. I giggled and pushed him gently, heading to the bathroom.

I changed quickly into a t­shirt and sweater, putting on a pair of black leggings and putting my hair into a messy bun, watching as it slouched immediately to the side. I walked out of the bathroom, pulling on socks and a pair of black converse. Nash grinned, looking up from his phone.

"Ready, princess?" I smiled and nodded. He grinned and grabbed my hand as we said goodbye to my mom, heading over to his place. ­


"There's nothing to be worried about." Nash assured me, squeezing my hand. I took in a shaky breath and nodded as the door in front of us opened.

"It's true? The whole Nava thing?" Elizabeth asked. Nash nodded as I stood there nervously, unable to move.

"I'm sorry, honey. This isn't going to work." She told me. I froze as my eyes widened slightly.

"Mom!" Nash said. She shook her head.

"I'm sorry Ava, but I don't need another fan girl who is more focused on Nash than Skylynn." I shook my head, trying to hold back tears.


"You don't work here anymore, Ava. Please, call me Mrs. Floyd." She said, pulling Sky closer to her. "I'm sorry, Ava. I am. But it's time for you to leave." She said.

"No, mom!" Nash said.

"Stop talking, Nash. Ava is no longer a part of Magcon." ­


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