15. tell me anything

Start from the beginning

I took my time while doing my make up and felt pretty confident when I was done. I curled my hair and took one last look in my full length mirror before I went and got myself some breakfast.

I sighed, " You look good, Mia. He'll even think you look pretty." I thought. I decided last night that I was going to confess to Taehyung today. I didnt know what he was going to say but I was hoping that it was going to be like my dream I had this morning. I had hopes for today and I felt like it was going to be a great day. With that, I left my house with a huge smile on my face, ready for this important day.

I walked into school and tried not to think about how nervous I was. I put a smile on my face and tried to focus on being excited for today. I walked towards my group in the lunch room and greeted them. Most of them greeted me with whistles and hollers. I blushed and sat next to Namjoon and leaned my head on his shoulder since I missed him, to be honest. I looked around and noticed the boy that I liked so much already staring at me. I couldnt really decipher what his eyes held but it seems like adoration mixed with something darker. He grabbed his phone and texted someone.

My phone went off.


Taehyung: you look so beautiful

to Taehyung: well thank you babe 🙈 you don't look too bad yourself

Taehyung: lol you're cute when you blush

to Taehyung: I need to tell you something at the end of Art class, okay? Its important :)

Taehyung: cant wait babe

Taehyung: keep smiling today, okay?

I blushed and smiled from ear to ear for a good few seconds. He cared about my happiness? That thought alone just made me blush more.

"Whats up with you, Mia?" Jimin asked grumpingly since it was still early for Jimin. Jimin has never been the morning type so when he would see anyone happy, he would think they're extremely annoying for a few seconds.

"Yeah, youre all giddy. Why? Did you take anything before you got here? If so, give me some, please." Jungkook grumbled out loud while laying his head on the table.

"Wow, you guys are the greatest friends ever. Thanks for supporting me and my happiness." I sneered sarcastically.

"I'm just saying. You're normally grumpy just like us. So what has you so happy?" Jimin said, shrugging.

"Can I just not be happy?" I shrugged as well not wanting to tell them about how I'm going to confess to someone later. It's not like they wouldn't support me because they would. It's just I was nervous myself and I needed to figure out how Taehyung felt about me. They don't even know about Taehyung and I knew they would ask so many questions so it was just better to keep it to myself.

"You do you, man." Namjoon stated, putting his arm around me and laying his head on top of my head.

The first few classes were pretty normal and rather easy. There was barely any homework which was rather rare for a Tuesday but I didn't want to question it. Once everyone got out of their morning funk, everyone seemed especially happy today.

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