Daddys Home pt.2 // Flamingeos

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You stood there with Geo leant up against you, his head sadly laying on your shoulder for at least five minutes. That was, until your daughter started to fuss from next door.

"You get her." Geo mumbled, sniffing as he removed himself from you "she doesn't like me anyway".

"No, Geo, you go upstairs and get her blankie from her cot." You told him, gently pushing him towards the door.

So he relucantly trudged upstairs to retreive your daughter's beloved pink blanket he bought her at birth and also picking up her pacifier while he was there.

Taking a deep breath, he walked back into the living room with you watching from the doorway.

"Hey baby girl," he said, smiling the second he saw her cute little face staring up at him, "look what I got."

By this time her soft cries had stopped, but her red face and watery eyes still broke Geo's heart.

Crouching down to her level, he gently stroked her face with his thumb, her chubby cheek was soft under his touch.

He then placed the pacifier in her mouth and gently lifted her out of the bouncer to hold her against his chest.

And, to his surprise, she stayed quiet so he wrapped the blanket around her as he began to rub her back, slowly pacing the room.

A few minutes later, he looked down to check on her. He smiled proudly to himself, seeing her closed eyes and hearing her gentle breathing as she was now asleep.

But what made him smile the most was seeing her teeny tiny hands clinging to his t-shirt.

He turned back to you still watching from the doorway as he smiled proudly, "she loves me again."

You just chuckled and sighed, "she always loved you, Geo," you said, watching your husband continue to soothe your daughter as he walked, placing a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

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