Your Eyes // Bryce Hall & Mikey Barone

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NOTE: Rachel & Josh are Bryce's fake siblings I made up

When you got home didn't expect it to be so empty. You had just come from visiting your mom that day to talk about the future.

She was really excited for you and Bryce once she heard the news that you were pregnant. Bryce made you feel excited as well because he seemed like he couldn't wait until the baby was born.

Your house was half empty. Your bedroom was stripped from all Bryce's belongings. Things were scattered here and there as if Bryce was in a rush to pack his things and go.

You quickly fumbled through your handbag to get your phone and call him.

You called five times, all with no reply. You were freaking out and quickly went over to your bed and sat down. While your hands shook you called him one more time. On the second last ring he picked up.
"Bryce, where are you?" You said immediately.

You heard him take in a quick breath and sigh. "Y/N-"

"I came home and all your stuff was gone and I-I-I don't know what to do. Where did you go? Please don't do what I think you're going to do. Please..." You were sobbing by now and it was hard for you to keep it together to have a conversation with Bryce.

"I can't do it anymore Y/N. I mean, I thought I wanted a kid, I really did. But I just can't." He sounded like he had rehearsed saying that for a while.

"No no Bryce please, you don't mean that. You promised. You promised god dammit Bryce!" You said loudly and you couldn't control your tears anymore.

You were shaking and trying so hard to keep it together.

"Y/N I can't..." Bryce sounded like he was about to break down himself.

"You said you would be here for me and our baby girl. You said you would be here for your fucking family. And now you're leaving? Bryce don't do this... please..." You sobbed and you continued to speak, asking him to answer you, but your words weren't clear anymore and you knew Bryce had made up his mind.

"I- Y/N... goodbye." Bryce whispered and ended the call.
You slept alone that night with a box of tissues. It probably wasn't healthy for you but you needed to feel and realise that Bryce wasn't going to come back anytime soon.

Everything after Bryce left was harder. You were growing bigger and bigger and nights by yourself were horrible. You had decided that selling the place you and Bryce bought and had been better off and you should move in with your parents for their help.

You could be a single mother but you knew you needed as much help as possible.

Your parents were understanding with the situation and let you decide on everything. But they did encourage you to at least contact Lisa and tell her the situation.

You doubted that Bryce even told her that you were pregnant since he was unwilling to be a father.

You had called her one evening and explained her to briefly about what was happening and asked if you could go over to talk to her properly.

"Oh my gosh Y/N!" She grinned when she opened the door. She quickly let you in and took you to get something to drink and eat.

"How far are you?"

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