14 | Edwin Burgos

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The timing was perfect; Edwin would be finishing the TLG tour the day of your six month anniversary.

You called him the night before to say goodnight and immediately regretted it because as soon as he told you he was only three hours away you knew you would have trouble falling asleep.

Eventually you wore yourself out and drifted off.

The next morning you rolled over to turn off your alarm clock and were surprised when your hand made contact with a piece of paper on top of the switch; after shutting off the alarm you opened the paper and read

"Get ready and come down so we can get breakfast xx- Edwin "

Sitting next to your clock was a rose. He was back. You dressed as quickly as possible and ran down stairs, you could hear him talking with your parents as they asked him how the tour went.

"It's went really well actually, I really loved meeting my supporters"

At this point you had made it to the kitchen and ran to jump on his back, "Edwin!" you squealed as your arms wrapped around his shoulders.

"But I especially love coming home to my biggest fan. Hey babe." you heard him chuckle.

"Awww" you teased before kissing his cheek.

After emptying his bag with the little gifts he brought back for you you agreed on heading to a local diner for brunch, which he insisted on paying for.

That's where the two of you caught up on everything that was to complex to say over the phone
Next on the list was the park; the two of you always walked your dog there and he missed the familiar setting.

Sure enough you were stopped by supporters wanting pictures, something you were used to.

So instead of getting frustrated you offered to help take the pictures. This was something the fans loved about you, you were always kind to them.

Some of them asked you to be in the pictures with them. There were even fans who took pictures of you taking pictures of fans, which they would later tweet with:

@edtertaining picked a good one, she's too sweet!

Eventually you had time alone to buy icecream from the small Italian ice cream parlor to eat while you cuddled on one of the benches.

Even sitting in silence was a million times better when he was home.

Later you made your way back to your parents place to watch Netflix while they made dinner, finally you could catch up on Breaking Bad since he wouldn't let you finish without him.

You were laying on his chest listening to him breathe while he ran his fingers through your hair when your parents called you down for dinner.

This was actually your favourite part of the day, hearing Edwin and your dad talk about sports and cars, you always appreciated how well they got along. But Edwin had one more thing planned for you that you would never forget.

The two of you were speeding on the highway in his car; he had one hand on the wheel while the other held your hand.

You found yourself heading down the same abandoned road where you had your first date -a picnic and stargazing- just like the first time he reached in the backseat and grabbed a blanket, laying it on the ground and reaching for you to join him.

"I missed you so much." You said as you nuzzled into him.

"I missed you too." He replied.

"Can you believe it's been six month already? I feel like it was just yesterday I was freaking out to my mom about what to wear and what to say and all of that stuff." You smiled at the memory of your mom trying to calm you down when you heard his car pull up.

"I know, I remember calling all the boys and telling them how much I liked you and how scared I was to mess things up." He looked over at you and smiled before continuing in a whisper, "you know, it hasn't changed all that much, I still get a little nervous every time I see you."

You felt yourself blush at his words and you tried to look away, but he grabbed your cheek and pulled you back to him. "See, nothing's changed, you still get super shy."

With that he connected his lips with yours for a slow but passionate kiss.

Suddenly he shot up, "I almost forgot I have your gift!"

"Edwin! We agreed no gifts!" You scold.

"You'll change your mind once you see it." He chuckled as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a box.

"He can't be serious" you thought staring at the box, a slight panic taking over. "Edwinnn?" you said nervously.

He looked up when he realized your tone, "no no, it's not that, calm down. Here." He laughed and threw you the box which you opened hesitantly.

Upon opening it you saw a key. "Edwin is this, for your place?" You asked in a now calm but curious voice.

"Yeah so now you can just come over whenever, for however long you want. And if it goes well maybe you can start moving in, once you're comfortable of course" He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away.

"Oh my god this is so exciting" you pulled him into a hug and dropped back to the ground.

You stayed there for a couple hours before he drove you home and dropped you off. You didn't stay there for long though, just long enough to pack a bag and take your car to his place, where you got to let yourself in for the first time.

As you crawled into bed next to him he rolled over and whispered "I could get used to this." Before kissing your forehead.

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