22 | Blake Gray

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"Stop it, you little bitch!" I giggled as Blake continued to poke me in the arm.

Blake has been my best friend for over 3 years now and he only came back from Magcon tour a week ago.

He came to my house about a hour earlier and asked if we could watch a movie together, and now, he wanted to be his annoying yet adorable self. Only recently I had feelings for Blake and I often thought whether he felt the same way.

However, I had a thought that he did. Whenever I look into his eyes, I'd notice his pupils dilate and his breathing rate increase. But that could have meant anything, probably me overreacting and dreaming a little to much.

"Make me!" He laughed as he jabbed me in belly, making the butterflies inside flutter.

His nudges got me wanting revenge, World War III was about to start.

I rolled on top of him, glared at his pretty face and uttered sternly, "It's on now!"

I hit him on his arm, dug my elbow into his chest and he quickly rolled on top of me and chuckled, "Don't start what you can't finish!"

He started to tickle my belly until I pushed him down, lightly slapped his leg and grinned, "You started it!"

The quick remarks and play fighting went on until I felt something poking me in my leg, I looked down and saw his erection through his sweatpants.

Blake, whom was red in the face, sat up, covered his face in shame and quietly stuttered, "S-sorry about that (Y/N)."

I placed my hand on his leg and assured him with a smile, "Don't worry about it Blake. But I have to say I'm slightly confused, do you get boners from pretending to fight or something?" I chuckle.

He blushed and admitted, "Not really.. I think it was mainly because of you.".

"What, so you think I'm attractive when I'm being attacked or something?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow, brushing some fallen hair from out of my eyes "I have like 12 chins".

"Well, yeah (Y/N).. But not the attacking part. I love how gorgeous you are, how smart you are, how talented you are and how you make my day better by just smiling your stunning smile."
I ran my fingers through his unstyled blonde hair and told him, "Well, that's good that you like me a lot. Because I like you a lot".

"But yeah, I like you too in that way. There's something about you that just makes my heart swoon like crazy! There's nobody I'd rather be than me because I think I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have you."


"Really really."

He pinched my cheeks and cooed, "Aww (Y/N), you're such a cutie patootie."

"I know, I know." I jokingly gushed while standing up. I yawned, "Well, after all that 'fighting', I'm beat. I'm going to bed, you coming with?"
He became confused, "Bed... With you? Like the same room, same bed and stuff." I nodded and gave him a wink, he smiled from ear to ear and took my hand as we walked to bed.

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