Boobs // Julian Jara

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I stormed through the house,yanking off my coat before slamming our bedroom door shut.

Whilst Me and Julian were out at dinner with Jovani, Mario and their dates Julian decided to make a comment about how my boobs have gotten so much bigger.

Usually girls would take it as a compliment but not when he carried on by saying 'are you putting on weight?'.

I stormed out of the restaurant and drove home leaving Julian without a car.

I changed for my dress into a pair of sweatpants and my university hoodie before sticking my hair up into some form of bun and wiping off my makeup.

My mascara had smudged from me crying, which I still was. I heard the front door close "Y/N you in here ?".

"Fuck off Julian. You completely embarrassed me tonight!"

"Babe I'm sorry I didn't mean it!"

"Why would you even say that?" I yelled, slamming my hairbrush onto the sink and moving into our bedroom.

" Y/N I told you I'm sorry!" Julian pleads, reaching out to grab your arms.

You step back "Whatever Julian. Sleep on the sofa tonight" I shoved the pillow and blanket into his chest.

"Princess! Stop being irrational"

"Oh sorry I wouldn't want to take up the whole bed with my huge boobs! Or better yet break it with all the added weight I've been putting on" I scoff, using his words from earlier.

He doesn't bother fighting with me, knowing fully that I would win.

"Ok. Goodnight"

I didn't reply, just shut the bedroom door behind him, kneeling down to grab the triangular shaped pregnancy pillow from under the bed and climbing under the comforter.

I lay staring at the door, a few tears running down my face onto the pillow.

I stayed like this for a few minutes before falling asleep.

"Hi baby. It's your daddy, I guess your mommy is pretty mad at me right now and I would be too. I can't wait to meet you"

I opened my eyes, staring down at Julian who had his head laid on my stomach and I listened to him talk.

"Hey Julian what you doing ?"

"Y/N I know" I fuse my eyebrows together "what do you mean?".

He sighs, sitting up straight "I found the pregnancy test downstairs Y/N and your sleeping with a pregnancy pillow".

I just stare at him "I'm sor-".

"Please don't apologize. I love you and I'm gonna love our baby. I just wish you would have told me before I made a fool of you at dinner".

"I love you Babyboy"

"I love you too princess"

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