Elevator // Jonah Marais

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This really wasn't a great time to be having your first major argument, you guys were currently standing in the middle of your hotel room arguing 15 minutes before the press play show starts.

You guys were arguing over something or someone stupid, Wesley.

Wesley was like your big brother alongside Christian, Michael and Cody. They were always there for you when you first joined press play.

Jonah was always jealous of Wesley because he thought he was better looking than him and he made you happier than Jonah did which wasn't true at all.

Although Wes and Jonah were like brothers it didn't matter. When it came to you, you were kind of like a wall that shut out their brotherhood to Jonah at least. Wesley thought Jonah was just delusional on the concept.

"I don't understand why you're jealous!" I say, both my arms crossed over my chest.

"I'm not jealous Y/N!" He shouts running has hand through his hair "I don't think you're getting this concept through your thick brain".

Jonah wasn't even supposed to be here, Why Don't We were on a small tour around the states and you were on press play tour. You guys hadn't seen each other in 2 months so Daniel had arranged for the band to be a special guest at today's show.

When they walked into the venue, not to Jonahs surprise. You were hanging out with Wes and He blew it out of proportion and started an argument.

We had started throwing insults back and forward, exchanging very harsh words that I never expected him to say to me and things I never thought I would say to him. I love him with all of my heart and it physically pained me to hear and say those words.

Jonah used words like "you're a bitch", "I wish we never got together" and "slut".

"I don't have time for this" I say grabbing my phone about to walk out the door when Jonah tightens his grip on my wrist.

"let- let go of me" I growl, yanking open the door and storming down the hallway towards the elevator "Y/N stop this you're over reacting!" I hear Jonah yell down the corridor behind me.

"Fuck off Jonah!" I say watching him walk towards the shutting elevator doors.

I stand sorting my hair in the mirror listening to the music that plays through the speakers.

I sigh, running my hand through my hair before being jolted back into the wall of the elevator and smacking my head off the floor.


About 15 minutes later I walked backstage to the show, everyone pacing around nervously.

"Jonah!" Daniel shouts "where is Y/N? She was meant to be on stage singing with me 10 minutes ago!".

I ruffle my brows together "She left me upstairs 15 minutes ago... she not here?" I ask masking my fear.

"Jonah if she was here right now we would be out singing on that stage" Jack replies sarcastically.

"I'll call her" I sigh, grabbing my phone from my back pocket and clicked her caller ID.

I try her 4 times and she doesn't answer "guys she isn't answering" I stare nervously at my phone.

I feel like a could burst into tears, all the things I said to her rushing through my mind.

Although we couldn't find Y/N we had to continue the show.

The show had ended and Y/N still hadn't showed up, I was starting to get really nervous as to where she was.

For all I know she could be on a plane back home never wanting to see me ever again.

"Yo Jonah we're all gonna go change and then go out for food, you coming?" Wesley asks.

We walk down the foyer towards the elevator that was surrounded by work men.

"Wonder what's going on there" Zach says as we wonder towards the scene.

"She's almost out!" One of the workmen shouted.


We stand in confusion watching. The elevator door finally opened and revealed Y/N lying on the floor knocked out cold.

"Y/N!" I yell, darting forward onto the floor taking her head in my lap.

"I'm calling an ambulance" Zach says, holding his phone up to his ear.

Everything was empty; my head, my heart and my life.

I wasn't aloud to see her for the first day but second day I was and I never left her side.

I hated myself. Everything I had said to her could possibly be the last words I ever say to her.

"Yo Jonah, go back to the hotel man. You need sleep" I had heard that at least 7 times in the past 3 hours.

"No I don't. I don't need sleep or food or even water what I really need is for my girlfriend to wake up and to be healthy and ok" I cry sobbing into my hands leaning on my knees.

As a said that the doctor walked through the door looking as all 6 of us stood around her bed.

"Um... I'm looking for Mr. Marais ?" I raise my hand "that's me".

"Well CCTV came in from the Hotel and it looks like the elevator stopped and Miss. Y/L/N fell and hit her head pretty hard but she should be ok. I'm not sure when she will wake up but she's fine" a sudden weight was lifted off my shoulders and I sigh in relief.

Everyone had gone back to the hotel and it was currently 2 am. I was sitting in the big chair next to Y/Ns bed writing some lyrics in my song book.

My eyes darted to the bed when I heard Y/N stirring in her sleep then open her eyes.

I don't say anything in case I scare her so I wait for her to say something.

"Jonah?" I reach out and grab her hand which was waving about trying to find mine.

"I'm here baby I'm here".

"Why am I here?"

"You fell, hit your head pretty hard" I laugh kissing her knuckles.

"I was so scared you weren't gonna make it" I say.

"I would never leave you" Y/N says laughs kissing the back of my hand.

"I love you Y/N"

"I love you too J"

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