30 | Bryce Hall

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The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. He wasn't sure what to do. The two of you had never had a fight like this before.

Generally, when you were angry with each other, you would just yell until one of you realized you were both being ridiculous and ended up crumbling into laughter.

But this time was different.

You were pacing. Twisting the diamond ring he'd given you a few months before around your finger, Raking your fingers through your hair.

You hadn't said a word for the past ten minutes and he had no idea what that meant because generally, when you were upset, you would let him know. Bryce loved that you didn't hide things from him or make him guess what you were thinking.

"Y/N," he called out, desperate to break the silence, partly because he was worried and partly because it was just uncomfortable. "Baby, can you say something?"

You stopped your movements, just staring at him for a moment, your eyes shining with tears. Finally, you shrugged and threw up your hands in desperation. "I don't know what to say."

"That you support my decision?" he suggested meekly.

The glare you sent him could melt the ice caps. "Support your decision? Did you hit your head recently?"

That was fair. He did sort of spring this on you. The two of you had been on a double date with Mikey and his new girlfriend and Bryce and his best friend had started talking about it during dinner.

When you'd questioned the topic of their conversation because it was the first you were hearing about it, Bryce had told you the news as though it was completely casual and not at all life altering in the slightest.

Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair, tugging on the ends. "I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about it first."

You blinked, your lips set into a thin line as you placed your balled up fists on your hips. "That's it? That's all you got?"

He gestured wildly, swinging his arms around in frustration before finally shoving them into the pockets of his jeans. "What do you want me to say?"

"What I want is for you to say this is all one gigantic joke," you spat out bitterly.

"I can't do that," he whispered, his eyes sad as he soaked in the anger in your expression. "We've already committed."

"Perfect," you sighed, sinking down onto the couch and raking your fingers backwards through your hair. "I can't believe this is happening."

Taking two steps across the room, he cautiously took a seat beside you, clapping your hands between his palms and squeezing comfortingly. "You know, this isn't the end of the world. We're just doing our jobs."

"Yes," you replied pointedly, your stare still hard. "Doing your jobs in another country. For a year."

Bryce had recently become part of a really big tour who had just finished doing a major world tour. Now this decision that had been made was that the boys and girls on the tour were leaving to London for a year.

"We can make this work," he assured you, squeezing your hands tightly, his tone hopeful.
Shaking your head slowly, you removed your hands from between his, your eyes sad when your gazes meet. "That's not why I'm upset."

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