19 | Mario Selman

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You were just hanging out with your best friend Mario, eating your ice cream when you decided to stop at the beach.

You had just finished meeting his friends. It went quite well considering you had been dreading it since the day he mentioned it.

"So, what do you think about my friends?" he asks as you smile.

"I think they're really funny and nice, I like to hang out with them". You became friend of Mario like few years ago, even before he became famous.

"Good, cause they asked me if you wanted come with us to the water park tomorrow" he informs you as you suddenly become a bit set aware. "I don't know Mario, I just met them".

"Why? I mean, they'd be super happy if you came with us" he asks as you nervously play with your fingers "mmh, you know what's the problem. I'm insecure about my body". You answer, avoiding eye contact.

He wraps his arm around your shoulder "you're beautiful and you don't have to worry about you're body. You're perfect, trust me princess".

The next day, you're at the water park with Mario and his friends and you're talking with Jovani while waiting to go on a ride.

"Wow, Y/N, I've never seen you with your bath suit and you're wow" he says caressing your cheek.

You blush and whisper a thanks.

He keeps saying silly things as you couldn't stop laughing. But, you notice that Mario was kinda acting distant and a bit mad, so you walk over to him and ask "what's wrong?".

"Why are you flirting with Jovani?" he questions as you roll your eyes at his nonsense.

"I'm not flirting with him first, and second, why do you care?".

"Because I have a crush on you and I'm upset because I know you prefer someone like him and not me" he admits walking away.

It hurt you to see Mario upset especially over you.

You immediately follow him as hug him from behind "listen to me Mario, I have feelings for you too. I don't prefer him to you, okay?".

He turns to face you and pulls you closer to hug tightly and whispers "oh Gosh, finally you know that I like you".

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