37 | Jackson Krecioch

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REQUEST FOR @hannahz7


Wow, either she's pregnant or she's packing it on.

The words echoed in your head as you once again spilled the contents of your stomach into the toilet.

A supporter had commented on a photo of you and Jackson out for the day, and ever since that you couldn't bear to at yourself in the mirror, that one sentence kept echoing in your head until you wanted to pull your hair out.

It had only happened once, making yourself ill but now it was a regular thing as you noticed the weight steadily dropping off of you which was what you had hoped for at the start.

You hid it well from Jackson, passing his worries off with a wave of you hand and a 'I'm just exercising a lot' comment.

But In reality it wasn't muscle you were building.

You coughed and wiped your mouth, standing up and rinsing your mouth with mouth wash before walking out of the bathroom, jumping slightly seeing Jackson standing at the doorway.

His arms were crossed over his chest and his brows were furrowed slightly.

"Hey," You said smiling at him.

"You were sick again." He said, his tone was concerned and hard.

Your heart rate picked up, how were you going to get out of this one?

"I'm fine," You said walking past him.

His hand landed you on your shoulder, pulling you back. "No, you aren't fine. This has been an ongoing thing. You're dropping a lot of weight (Y/N), like you've lost what ten pounds in under two weeks?".

You averted your gaze shaking your head. "It's fine." You said, it seeming to reassure you.

"Baby," His tone softened.

"Please don't make yourself sick to lose weight. You are so beautiful to do that to yourself. Whats making you?" He said grabbing your hands in his and rubbing small circles on the back of your hand.

"Nothing..." You trailed off, your gaze lingering on the floor. "It's something, please tell me. I don't want you doing this to yourself, it's worrying me sick!" You sighed and pulled your hands away walking away from him.

You contemplated showing him the comment which you had screenshotted, spilling every worry to him but you were worried about what his reaction would be.

Would he think you were stupid for doing this? As if he was reading your thoughts, "Please tell me? I'd never judge, I want to help you." He said following you.

You felt sharp hot tears prick your eyes as you walked to your nightstand and pulled out your phone. He looked at you before reading it, whimpering slightly.

"Fucking hell, fuck!" He yelled making you flinch.

"No, no. I'm not angry at you baby, no never. Please don't listen to this kind of thing. They're assholes. You're so much better then this, please don't do this to yourself. I'm going to help you okay? We're going to get through this. Please let me help you." You let the tears fall, crumbling into his lap as he held you and rocked you gently, murmuring sweet nothings in your ear.

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