07 | Nathan Triska

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Me and Nathan were sitting at the large circular table with his family, the music pounding throughout the room and drunk people dancing everywhere.

I had agreed to be Nathan's date to a family wedding, it was his aunts wedding.

We were sitting at the table alongside his mom,dad,grandparents, the bride and groom.

We had been here for like 3 hours and I was becoming tired. All the adults were completely drunk out of their minds, we were possibly the only ones who weren't drinking.

My head was leaned up on Nathan's shoulder with his leaning on mine.

"You two are such a cute couple, how long have you been together ? " grandma Triska awes.

"3 years" Nathan answers whilst stoking my hair.

"I remember when he brought her home, they were 14. Me and David thought 'there's no way he's gonna keep such a pretty girl like that' " A drunken Lynn laughs.

Both me and Nathan sit up straight "Thanks mom, nice to know you had faith in me" I smile, grabbing the side of his head to face me then kissing him.

Then the bride stood up grabbing her bouquet from the table "ok all the single ladies up on the dance floor" she announces around the room.

Not a lot of people move maybe 4 women stand up and then the DJ speaks into the mic "ok, so all the ladies up on the dance floor right now".

A lot of people start moving, Grandma Triska and Lynn stand up each grabbing one of my hands "come on Y/N , let's see if you're the next lucky girl".

My high heels drag across the white, lit up dance floor to stand behind the Bride.

"Ok, 1, 2, 3 !"

The pink flowers are launched into the air and come flying down into my hands. There is an uproar of old ladies patting my back saying things like ;

"Don't forget to invite me to the wedding"

"Oh you're too young to get married yet lass"

"So who's the guy ?"

I walk back over to the table, Lynn staring at me with a smirk on her face.

"Guess who caught it" I say in a stupid, teenage girly voice flaunting the flowers in my boyfriends face whilst taking my seat.

"Well Nathan it looks like you're in trouble" Nathan's uncle playfully punches his arm.

After more drinking and mostly falling the DJ called out for the last slow dance of the evening. Nathan stood up and led me to the middle of the dance floor.

The song 'all of me' by John Legend started playing. I lay my head on His chest, listening to his heart beat which seemed to be getting faster whilst he propped his chin on my head as we swayed to the beat of the song.

"You know one day it will happen" he whispers.

"Hmh ?" I ask, bringing my head up to look at him.

"One day, I promise I'm gonna marry you" and then he kissed me.


We were currently on tour with BOYS OF SUMMER.

We were in New York, getting ready for the show.

"Simon stop it!" I yell, running across the stage.

"Never!" He shouts, grabbing my waist and pulling me back, both of us tumbling over.

I fell on top of Simon so I stand up  "Yo Britton, that's my girl" we look up to see Nathan standing on the opposite side of the stage.

I walk over and wrap my arms around his waist,kissing his nose.

"Hey baby I've got to go get ready for the show but I have a surprise for you during the show"

I give him a confused look "what is it?" I ask. He smiles "It's a surprise".

I walk back over to the rest of the boys "anyone know what Nathan's surprise for me is?" They all look at each other before Nick answers "nope, what surprise?".



We were all standing in our spots for the meet and greet.

The supporters started pouring in, a lot of people were here to meet me. I took pictures with a lot of people, doing different poses with every person like ;

"I jump up on you"

"Me on your back"

"Stage kiss"

"Who's next ?" I ask, I watch as a girl with pink hair, a lot like Diego's comes out from the darkness of the line and stands next to me.

We stare at the camera her mom was holding and heard a click "hey do you have a particular pose you want to do?" I ask. I see her look behind be before putting her thumb up to someone.

"Um, yeah the proposal ?" She asks and I raise my eyebrow "and how do you do that?" I laugh.

"Just turn around" she spins me around, my hands clasp over my mouth when I see Nathan down on one knee with a black velvet box in his hand.

"I told you, one day I would do it" he smiles, opening the box " Y/N Y/L/N we have been together for almost 4 years and they have been no doubt the best years of my life. I know I'm still just a stupid 17 year old who doesn't really know a lot but one thing I do know is that I am in love with you and quite frankly I want to make you mine before I lose you. I'm not too sure what you thought on our first date or why you said yes when I asked you to be my girlfriend but I'm so glad you did. So what I'm really trying to say is, Y/N will you Marry Me ?"

At this point all the fans had been asked to stand behind the barrier and all the boys were standing around us, looking just as nervous as Nathan waiting for me to answer.

I smiled before answering "yes , you idiot I will marry you" everyone erupts in cheers as Nathan slips the ring onto my left hand the boys smoosh us into a group hug.

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