F i f t y - T h r e e : P u p p y

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A/N: a bit shorter.
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"Puppy? Where are you?"

I sucked in a breath to reply but Scott appeared a few moments after with a smile. "In my room, hm?"

"That's okay right?"

"Of course! Although I don't like when you wear your shoes to bed."

I looked down at the sneakers. "You tied them too tight. I couldn't get it undone. I'm sorry."

"It's alright."

He pulled a string and knot fell apart. I frowned at it. "I wish you'd show me how to do that."

"I have," smiled Scott. "At least times so far."

"Oh." My face felt warm. "Right. Sorry."

"Can I lie with you?" He asked.

"Of course! It's your bed silly. I'm just visiting."

"Just visiting? You haven't visited in a while."

"Normally my tummy hurts. Not tonight though! I think the doctor fixed me!"

"You did a good job finishing your dinner tonight."

I smiled at him and cuddled closer with Cheddar. "Thank you. I like the sweet blue things. Maybe we can have more later?"

"Blueberries? I'm glad you like them Puppy but remember what the doctor said about taking it easy? You don't want to hurt your stomach do you?"

I sighed. "No. Have you talked to Bailey yet?"

Scott nodded. "He's still pretty upset Puppy. You weren't very nice last time you were there."

"I know but I'm good now! I won't act like Misty and Kara anymore--I'll be Puppy! I think he'll like Puppy right? Do you like this Puppy?"

"I love every Puppy. But this one is a particular favorite."

He kissed my cheek and I giggled. "Can't I call him?"

"It's almost seven thirty--he's probably exhausted. It's not just you Puppy. Bailey is really, really busy with the baby."

"It sure is a lot of work huh?" I commented. Cheddar meowed and I kissed his head before letting him go. He curled at the foot of the bed. "More than Cheddar!"

"I'd say so. I have a surprise for you."

"You do?"

"Yup. Do you remember Lucky? Well he's in a very important race at the Kentucky Derby. It's a very big deal."

"Are you leaving again? Who'll stay with me? Am I staying alone?"

"Nope. I'm bringing you with me."

I sat up both afraid and excited. Scott hadn't taken me on any of this race trips yet. And this seemed like a big one! "You are?"

"Yes. You'll be meeting a lot of very important business partners and attending meals with them. So I'm trusting you to behave perfectly. Can you do that?"

I nodded my head earnestly. "Yes Sir!"

He smiled. "You're such a good boy. We'll arrive three days early and stay in a hotel."

"A what?"

"A building with fancy rooms," he explained. "You have to experience it to really understand it. But in Kentucky I'm going to get you some nice new outfits to wear for our outings along with a nicer day collar for meetings and a really nice one for the derby. That collar won't be worn casually."

"When are we going?"

"The middle of this week in two days. That means you won't be meeting with Robtoy or Christoph this week. Is that okay?"

"Will they miss me?"

"Of course they will. But they understand."

"And you promise they won't be too mad?"

"Not at all."

I smiled. "I can't wait!"

"I'm glad to hear it. I'm so happy to show you off Puppy."

I bit my lip. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"Why haven't I met your family?"

Scott was quiet a moment. "Well they live in Maine and I've been busy. I suppose I haven't gotten around to it yet. How about a movie?"

He didn't want to talk about his family I realized. I didn't want to push him. "Can we go play with toys?"

"It's almost bedtime. It's time for you to start winding down."

"Can I have some juice in my sippy?"

"You really like juice huh?"

"Yeah! It's like water but sweet and tastes like all the fruits!"

Scott laughed. "I suppose that's one way to describe it. Sure. Why don't you pick out something to watch while I get it."

QOTC: Why do you Puppy hasn't met Scott's family?

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