F i f t y - S e v e n : P u p p y

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Pic: I like this as Puppy way better--what do you think?

It was hot outside.

Hotter than at home. Scott put his hands over his eyes and a black car drove up. A man in a vest got out and gave Scott the keys. Scott gave him a bill. "This isn't your truck."

"It's a rental," replied Scott.

He opened the door and helped me in. It was cool inside and he leaned in to buckle me. I kissed his cheek as he passed. Scott smiled and kissed my mouth as he withdrew, tightening the buckle. He got in beside me and I put my hand on his thigh.

"Not right now Puppy. But I appreciate the intent."


"It means... It's nice of you to want to do that."

"Oh." I took my hand back awkwardly. "Is that cos...of what happened?"

"Are you ready to talk about that yet?" He asked sounding surprised.

I shrugged. "There's nothing to talk about. I said no and stopped eventually."

"I should have stopped immediately."

"I was just being a baby." Really the pain had been awful. But Scott was so nice to me... He deserved to have a sub to make him feel good. He made me feel good a lot, especially when he was taking care of me. "Maybe we can try again tonight?"

"Let's wait until we get home. You'll be exhausted by the end of the day."

"I will?"

"Yes. We're going to go to the festival and then go get your news and your new collar and then we have a very important dinner at my friend's house."

"You have friends? Here, I mean." Of course Scott had friends! He was so nice...

"I use the term loosely. More of a business partner. But he's often pleasant to be around."

"Pleasant... That's a bird," I recalled. "Christoph's Dom went pleasant hunting last weekend and Christoph had to cook it!"

Scott just laughed.


The honey festival was loud.

And there were a lot of people. Scott held my hand however and I was glad because I was afraid that if I lost him here, I'd be gone forever! "Would you like to try some honey?" Scott asked over the music.

It didn't sound like any of the music I heard so far. But I still liked it. I wish I could play music. "I dunno. What's it taste like?"

"Like honey I suppose. Come with me."

He led me to a quieter corner and went to a little stand. A old lady with rosy cheeks was standing there. And beside her, in a glass case, were tons of bumble bees! They were all flying around a brown thing.

I moved closer and knelt to get a better look. "It's called a bee hive," Scott explained. "And insider there are honey combs."

"That's Bailey's favorite kind of cereal! Not that I care..." I went back to watching to bees.

"Puppy," Scott scowled.

"What an unusual name," the woman commented. "But very cute. Puppy was it? Like the dog?"

"No like me." I stood up and pointed at her shirt. "I like that shirt. Maybe I can have one!"

Scott patted my head. "Hush."

"It's alright. If you like this shirt there's some more over the stand just over yonder."

"You sound funny."


"It's fine," she laughed. "That an accent you're hearing. You sound funny to us too."

I bit my lip. "Scott? Can I have a bumble bee shirt?"

"Maybe. If you're good."

I sighed. "Can we try honey then?"

"This honey came from these bees," she explained. She pushed a little dish toward me. I was horrified to see a teeny tiny spoon.

I couldn't even use a regular one!

"Thank you," Scott took it and scooped a bit for me. He held it out and I licked away the sticky goo.

"It's...yummy. Can I have more?"

"Just a bit."

He gave me the spoon to suck on and looked at the bottles. "So this all organic?"

"That's right. Right from my bees," she reported. "I don't think I caught your name?"

"Scott. Scott King."

"Oh my word," she looked quite startled and I sat back on my haunches. "Like the horse breeder?"

He must be famous! Scott smiled. "The very same. I'll take a bottle. Thirteen was it?"

"It's on the house! I can't believe Scott King likes my honey. Of all the honey here..." She shook her head. "I never heard you had a sub though!"

"It's me--I'm Puppy!" I told her.

She smiled. "So you are."

Scott took the bottle and thanked her and we moved on.


With a bumble bee tee-shirt, a stuffed bee, and a bee shaped balloon, Scott packed me up in the car.

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" He asked again.

Scott had eaten at a stand but I didn't like his food. They had oatmeal but it tasted funny and I didn't finish it. That made Scott mad though because he said it was expensive.

"I'm going to put this in the back." Scott said taking the balloon.

I frowned but nodded. "Your hair gets darker in the sun," Scott commented suddenly. "You used to be a platinum blonde. Now you're more of a honey blonde."

"Like the honey festival!"

"Sort of," he agreed. "Alright. Let's get you some clothes."


I hated trying on suits.

They were stuffy and the stores were painfully quiet. Plus I didn't feel good. I felt sick and hot even though it was air conditioned.

And Scott was crabby too, telling me I had to stay still for long periods of time as some man measured me and poked pins in me!

Finally we were done and could go do the one activity I was looking forward to--getting a new collar.

The store we went too was made mostly of glass. Inside there were couches and tables and people getting drinks for people sitting. There was only one display out and it held only a few collars.

Scott went to the display and looked over it for a very long time. One of the men asked about a drink and he waved him off.

I was thirsty, but Scott didn't ask me.

"I'd like to see this one please."

It felt like I'd eaten too much cake. But I hadn't even had any! "Scott," I whispered.

He waved me away and I whimpered.

QOTC: What's wrong with Puppy?

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