T h i r t y - T w o : S c o t t

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A/N: The Character Ask was super awesome guys. I tried to reply to every single one. So if you guys have more questions don't hesitate to ask!
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I ran the pen over the paper with another tally.

Forty more fifty pound bags. I should put in an order tonight, I decided. Shipments took from one to two weeks and I wasn't about to chance it. "How's it going Daddy?"

I turned to give Kyle a lethal glare. "Lower your voice. It's not funny."

Kyle just laughed. "You're so uptight about this--how'd the talk go with Glenn?"

My face felt a bit warm and I snapped the notebook shut. "How do you even know him?"

"He does my taxes. Well, his firm does but I met with him last year. He's a pretty good guy huh?"

"With a weird sub."

"You have one too Daddy. Don't forget that."

"I can fire you, you know."

"But you wouldn't. The lunch bell's about to ring--wanna head in?"

I sighed and nodded my head. "Sure."

Puppy normally completed his inside chores between two or three in true afternoon. It wasn't him dawdling it, it just took him a bit longer to do most things. He was slower, clumsily. I had to make sure he knew to set he glass dishes aside. For his safety as well as the safety of the eatery themselves.

He still broke about three a week by just dropping them as he was setting it aside.

But he was trying.

"Seriously though--how'd it go?"

"Good I think." I sighed. "It's just... Different. Last night I tried to bring it up but...it just went over his head."

"What do you mean?"

"Sometimes just...can't do certain things. He gets and idea in his head and you can't pull him off it regardless. It can really piss you off though."

Kyle paused. "You didn't hurt him did you?"

"I grabbed his face." I muttered shamefully. "I wasn't trying to hurt him I just... I didn't know how else to get his attention."

Kyle shook his head. "You guys are in a weird position right now. What happened was really serious but you guys are just brushing it under the rug."

"We are not." I snapped.

"Yeah you are. Don't talk about it and it's like it didn't happen. Then shit like last night happens and it can be really damaging."

I frowned at him. "I know that. It's not like it's on purpose. He just starts rambling when I need him to listen and...it's very testing."

"You need take a minute sometimes. I know it's expected that Doms spend their time making sure their Subs are okay but you need to take care of yourself too. Even if it's an hour where you can have some alone time. I'm sure Puppy would appreciate it to."

"That's not very likely. He loves to be with me." I argued.

"You don't sound too happy about it."

I blew out a breath. "He gets under my feet. I try not to make a big deal out of it because I know Connor was pretty harsh to him, but I'd like to use the restroom without him sitting by the door waiting."

"What about when he's in your room?"

"He goes up by himself and by the time I sit down to enjoy a beer and watch the news he's calling for me to come up and play."

"So say no."

I shook my head grimly. "It's not an option. And don't get me wrong, I love being with him. It's just... I guess a break once in a while wouldn't be too bad."

Kyle nodded his head. "I hear you. Bailey keeps himself busy, thankfully. When I first got him he'd follow me around. He was like my damn shadow. Drove me nuts. I ended up telling he didn't have to go everywhere I did and he back off considerably. Maybe you could tell Puppy that?"

I shook my head. "I don't want to hurt his feelings."

"It's better to do it purposely than on accident because chances are you'll hurt him a hell of a lot worse."

I ran my hand through my hair. "Scott!"

"Look who it is," mused Kyle.

Puppy was scurrying across the lawn toward me excitedly. "Hello Puppy," I greeted.

He threw his arms around me and clung onto me. "You were gone when I woke up. I missed you."

He was beaming goofily up at me. It brought a smile to my face. "I missed you too silly boy. Did you eat your oatmeal?"

"Uh-huh." He replied. He looked somewhat shyly at Kyle. "Hello."

Kyle smiled and tipped his hat a bit. "Are you coming inside now?" He asked excitedly. "So we can go do our activity?"

"Soon. I need to place an order, eat some lunch, and meet with Kyle for a few minutes. Have you finished all your inside chores?"

He pursed his lips. "Kinda." He decided. "I don't want clean the litter box again today cos I cleaned yesterday and you said once a week but I'm not sure when it's a new week yet."

I smiled. "You're okay. So you washed the silverware and the tumblers?"

He nodded but paused. "Uh some broke."

My smile faltered. "What do you mean? Did the plastic crack?"

"No. It wasn't plastic."

My jaw tightened. "What have I told you to do with the glass cups?"

"Put them on the side but I wanted to be extra helpful! So you didn't have to do it yourself. Now there's no more dishes to wash."

Because you've broken them all!

"How many?"


"How many cups did you break."

"Um..." He looked at his hand and held up four fingers. His index finger was messily covered in neon bandages he's picked up. I was surprised I hadn't noticed. "Three I think."

"You're holding up four. Three or four?" I asked.

He bit lip. "Yes?"

As if sensing my frustration Kyle stepped forward. "Hey Puppy--I forgot my lunch at home."

Puppy blinked at him before abruptly smiling. "Maybe I can make you one?" He asked excitedly.

Kyle smiled. "That'd be great."

QOTC: How can Scott request time away from Puppy without it hurting his feelings?

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