T w e n t y - S i x : S c o t t

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A/N: I just started reading a really awesome story by yaoi_goddess_518 called Saved. So check it, it's freaking amazing!
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Puppy hugged his knees to his chest.

He had declined sitting on the couch beside me, tucked Wally under his chin. His blue orbs were glued to the carpet. "Puppy this is a really important talk. I need your eyes on me so I know you're listening."

I was trying hard to take this slow. To clear the air, get some real communication between us. If it was possible of course. "You're just going to send me away."

I frowned. "I never said that."

"But you will. Just like Connor did."

"Why would I send you away Puppy?"

"Cos I'm not Danny."

My jaw fell slack a bit. "Puppy that--" I cleared the tightness from my throat. "That isn't true. Wh-where did that even come from?"

"You say his name sometimes, when you're sleeping. I can tell you miss him a whole lot." He had a long look of concentration. "I think you want me--Puppy--to not be a Charlie but be a Danny."

I felt myself growing angry. How dare he pull my dead sub's name into his problems? I took a breath. They weren't his problems. They were our problems. Because we're a team.

He wasn't wrong. In my head I sometimes compared the two. It wasn't intentionally it was just... I loved Danny so much. I love Puppy of course but it was just so hard to even consider moving past Danny. Both boys were unbelievably sweet and happy. But Puppy was naïve to a fault while Danny's cleverness, especially with his words, got him in trouble.

Danny was a introvert, only showing his personality when we were together or he was very comfortable. Puppy seemed to be an extrovert. He was hyper and easily excitable. As an introvert myself it got rather tiring after a while.

"You don't like that I think about Danny?" My voice shook but I didn't care. This was us being raw with each other. I may have been a dominate but I was still human.

Puppy crossed his legs, toying with his stuffed animal. "I don't mind if you think about him. You miss him. You get sad. It's okay to be sad Scott--sometimes I get sad too."

I forced a smile. I just wanted to tear open the box of his old stuff and sob. But this was important. I had to be here. Danny is...dead. Nothing I did would change it. But there was hope for Puppy. His tutor would begin coming on Tuesdays and I knew he could soar off at that point.

But I needed to make sure his needs could be met. "What do you need from me Puppy?" I asked.

He cocked his head to the side. I nodded my head and rethought it. "For us to work out I need you to be obediant and open with me. You need to take the time to think out your words, even when you get upset. Because when we have misunderstandings it hurts us both."

Puppy thought about it for a while. "When-when I get upset my head won't make the words."

I nodded my head. "Alright. Maybe we can think of a word or a phrase to let me know that you need think time so I don't get upset and you can calm down?"

He asked for me to repeat it twice and I did so, slowing it down a bit more, enunciating. Puppy nodded his head. "And you won't yell at me or spank me?"

"It depends on what you have to say. If you break the rules or are rude or disobedient you will have to be punished or disciplined. What word do you like best?"

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