F o r t y - F o u r : S c o t t

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A/N: not much but it's an update! Comment & Vote!

"She took a nasty spill on Saturday. She won't put any wait on her back leg."

Lola clucked her tongue. "I hope it's not broken."


Putting down a horse was awful. But rehabilitation was nearly impossible and cost a small fortune. It was an investment with no payout. Especially for an average racer like Betsy. The paint shifted uneasily as Lola let herself into her stall.

"Easy girl," she murmured, petting her. "Want to hold her steady while I take a look?"

Lola trailed her hand down her side to let her know she was behind her. If a horse wasn't afraid or surprised at your position they wouldn't kick. And you only have to be kicked once I do all you could to avoid it!

She left her leg and Betsy snorted uneasily. "It doesn't feel like there's much swelling at all. I wonder..."

She tilted up her hoof and smiled. "Her shoe's been bent. No wonder she won't walk on it!"

The jockey hadn't even bothered to check out something so basic? I'd assumed all the little things had been checked over before she sent it back saying it was 'injured'. "I'm sorry I called you out for nothing."

"It's not nothing," Lola smiled. "This is one of my favorite places, if we're being honest. Where's that little sub of yours got to? I found this guy at an Equine Convection at Attica."

It was a small stuffed horse weighted with beads. Puppy would love it of course. But I was trying hard not think about it at all. "Probably busy. I'll pass it along."

Lola smiled. "Thank you. I'll see you on Thursday Scott."

"And you as well," I replied.

Lola let herself out while I sent a quick text to Kyle to have him send one of the hands over to remove and replace her shoes. Taking off and replacing one was possible but the others had been worn down a few centimeters by now and new shoe wouldn't be. The height different may seem tiny but it can throw a horse's sense of balance completely.

The safest option war to replace them all.

I left the barn and thought about finding Puppy. Honestly though, things felt awkward. I wished I could go back and never have even attempted something like that.

But it was too little to late.

I was still unbelievably pissed off but I wasn't sure why. Puppy hadn't done anything wrong--I was the sole guilty party. I'd called Robtoy this morning who suggested I take the morning to 'cool off'. If he was disgusted by my actions he didn't say anything.

I took a deep breath and leant against the side of the barn. "I can't believe it's all over after today."

I opened my eyes and smiles at Bailey. He had Charcoal in tow and was petting the horse nostalgically. "He's coming home with you, remember?"

"Oh I know--I'm so excited. I'll miss being here though. And-and working with you."

"Working with me huh? All I do is tell you what to do."

Bailey frowned. "I liked it though. I was actually doing something y'know? Before I started working here I was at Master's house every single day. He hardly let me leave! Except to go to the market for food. It was like that for almost two years. I miserable."

I frowned carefully. It wasn't respectful for him to be speaking about his Dom like this. I sighed quietly. "Kyle does what he thinks is best for you Bailey. You should respect that."

His eyes went wide. "I wasn't-- I didn't mean it like that Scott. I'm sorry."

"It's fine." He stood awkwardly a moment and I realized he was looking for reassurance. Really his Dom should be reassuring him. "Raising a child is something Bailey. It's like ten times the work here. And it's far more rewarding I'm sure."

He smiled hesitantly. "Yeah... You're probably right. Thanks. Where's Puppy? I haven't seen him in like forever!"

It'd only been a week and a half. "Inside," I said shortly. "In fact you can go put Charcoal in the grazing pen and help Puppy with his outside chores."

Bailey nodded eagerly. "Of course!"

I looked at my phone and sighed. "Have you seen Kyle?"

"Master was bailing hay with Pat and Rosie."

"Why?" I asked angrily.

Bailey shrugged. "I dunno. He just was."

I called him somewhat heatedly. "Hey," he greeted breathlessly. "I'll be over in a minute for the shoes."

"Why are you doing this?"

"What do you mean? You've got four people in the field for bailing on two on the main property. You short staffed us all week."

I pulled up my spreadsheet.

He was right. "Shit Kyle. I'm sorry. Should I call someone in?"

"No it's fine. What have you got Bailey working on? I'm sure he can put on a show with no problem."

"Is rather you do it." I didn't want to hurt Bailey's feeling but if it went on wrong was loose it could devastate this horse.

Kyle sighed. "Yeah okay. I'll be around in a minute."


The day wound down almost seamlessly.

Things were hectic due to my scheduling mistakes and Kyle stayed really late to get everything done. My plan for some sort of celebration for Bailey was ruined. I wasn't feel very festive and neither were they.

So I gave Bailey his final paycheck--written out to Kyle of course--and a gift card to the sub supply store down on Main. "You didn't need to get him anything," Kyle told me immediately.

"I know. I wanted to."

"Is Puppy going to be okay?" Bailey asked after a moment. "He was weird today."

"He's fine."

"He was limping--maybe a horse stepped on his foot?"

"I'll check it out," I sighed. "I'll see you around Bailey."

The sub sniffled a bit. "Yeah. I'll miss you. And Puppy."

"Your child will keep you plenty busy," I retorted.

Kyle smiled and Bailey tries. "Yeah. I suppose."

I waved them off and sighed.

Now to deal with Puppy...

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