T w o : S c o t t

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A/N: So Chapter two is up. As I'm sure those reading both stories realize this story is a lot less crass than Strip My Heart. It will have sexual content in the future though. So be warning my prudish readers! 💕❤️
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When Puppy and I got up in the morning I sent him to get his work book.

He had resisted to all the tutors I hired so I decided to cut my loses and try to teach him myself. He had come to me uneducated, convinced he was stupid. It killed me to hear him thinking so lowly of himself. Especially when I knew he was capable of much more than he thought he was.

Puppy came back in the room, hugging the hard covered work book to his chest. "Uhm I tried to the stuff you left me with but... I can't remember my little letters."

I frowned, taking the book. His upper case letters were improving but they still held the skill level of a preschooler. Most of his lower case or "little" letters were scribbles. "Why didn't you ask Bailey? He was here with you all this time."

He pushed out his bottom lip. "Because I don't want him to know I'm stupid and can't read or write."

"You're not stupid. And these look like you tried really hard. I'm going to make you an example and you can spend the morning copying them over on this page okay?" I turned the page to a fresh pair of large lined paper. I marked it by folding over the corner and set it aside. "Why don't you get dressed while I take a shower?"

He nodded his head and I patted him on the bed before making the bed. It was the same comforter my first sub Danny picked out. He would make the bed every morning... Now I did it because I reminded me of him.

I took a short, cold shower. The day would be almost unbearable hot and it was nice to start out the day cold. As I finished I picked up the bottle of strawberry shampoo--Danny's shampoo.

I treasured it. I missed the sweet smell Danny would leave whenever I held him to my chest, burying my nose into his silky tresses. I can still hear his voice reminding me he was out of conditioner the morning before...before. I shuddered a bit to myself as pain stabbed into my chest.

I missed him so badly it hurt.

I squeezed the bottle, leaning my face over to inhale the scent. As usual tears prickled my eyes. I clenched my teeth.

I miss you Danny. I miss you so badly.

I capped the container putting it back on the shelf.

It's label had long since peeled away. It had been devastating but I finally conceded with the fact it was off and glued it in the scrapbook I had. It was full of all the bits and pieces he had left me. I kept the three books I had wrapped in plastic, sealed in a box under the bed. I didn't want light to fade a single item.

My therapist called it 'obsessive'.

I call it mourning.


Blue eyes watched me as I looked over his work book.

"Really good Puppy. Although your zs and ps are backwards and got your bs and ds mixed up."

He looked down. "Okay."

"You're doing very well though Puppy. Why don't we work on it tonight and give your brain a little break?"

He smiled. "Okay. Maybe I can make you lunch?"

"That's very kind of you Puppy but Lisa made cookies and I ate about four. Maybe next time, okay?"

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