E i g h t y - N i n e : C h a r l i e

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Dedicated to Property_of_Gaara

A/N: Comment & Vote

"You should tell me next time you take him."

Leah had her arms crossed. Kingsley tottered to his feet before falling back down in the leaves with a squeal. "Le!"

"Sorry. You seemed...occupied." I gave her a sharp look and she looked away. Good. "He's having fun anyway."

"I suppose he is. And you dressed him for the weather..." Leah paused, obviously looking for something to scold me on. "Do you see how much pain Scott's in?"

My stomach clenched uncomfortably. "That's--"

"None of my business," she cut in. "I know. But you're not like this Charlie. You have a big heart."

"Maybe it's too big."

"There's no such thing."

"Flower!" Kingsley presented a red leaf gleefully.

"Leaf," I corrected, amused.

"Flower!" He retorted furiously.
He walked a few feet away from me and plopped down, gathering more 'flowers'.

"He can't think this is okay."

"Do you think he does? He's torturing himself for what he did. And I think it's pretty heartless for you to see someone you love in so much pain and do nothing."

"I didn't ask your opinion!" I snapped.

"Bring him inside when your done," Leah replied dismissively. "Bailey was worried."

"When Kyle comes back, he'll be done with you." My voice shook.

"He abandoned him." Hissed Leah. "He's as good as dead in my opinion."

"Leave me alone."

"Whatever you want."


"I brought you some jello?"

I locked the table and looked at Scott. He had been doing this all day--trying to get me to talk to him. Normally I could just hum and walk away. But here I was trapped. "I'm not hungry."

"Oh." His face fell. "This room is so plain. Are you sure you don't want to come to ours?"

"I need time Scott."

"You've had time! You told me we were going to be okay--this isn't okay."

"Scott what are you doing?" I don't know why but I was so sick of him. "This isn't you. Grow up."

His face went stony and a notification dinged on the tablet. I glanced at it then at the door--Scott was gone. I sighed. What I said was rude and I knew it. And I knew that Scott was trying his best and while I appreciated the effort it wasn't enough.

Bailey was seeing a new doctor and Scott always let me know where he was going.

Why did everything still feel so wrong? Moreover, would things ever feel better?

"I can't do this anymore."

I look up from the table. Scott is there--he has my kennel. Where did he get it? Wasn't it with Connor? "What--"

"I did everything for you. I supported you through every meltdown. But you tortured me over this little mistake. I can't do it anymore--I'm done. It's time you go back."

It's like I'm suffocating. "You-you said you'd never give me away!" I'm crying heavily now--when did it start?

"You said you'd forgive me. We both told lies."

I jolted upright.

Bailey's hand hesitated toward me. "You were making weird noises--I wanted to make sure you're okay?"

It was a dream! Why did it feel so real then? The pain in my chest was real and the salty tears were real too. "Where's Scott?"

"His room?" He guessed with a shrug. "Keep it down, alright? Kingsley is trying to sleep."

I pushed him a bit. I didn't mean to, I just needed to get to Scott. Bailey stumbled into the side table and the lamp shattered against the floor. He cried out as he stepped in the glass shards as he tried to regain his balance. "Bailey!"

His back hit the wall hard, head striking with a sickening smack. The door opened as Leah (of course, the noisy bitch) overheard. "Bailey! What did you do?"

"Nothing! He--"

"You pushed me," Bailey choked out. "Fuck!"

"Sh, come sit down."

I wanted to make sure my friend was okay but I hadn't felt this vulnerable and scared in a while. I ran down the hallway and smack into Scott.

I threw my arms around his waist, burying my face into his stomach. I missed the smell of his cologne I realized. My nerves were soothed significantly simply by his smell. "What's going on in there? Are you okay?"

"I-I had a dream and-and-- Don't send me away! I can't go back--I'll stop being a bad boy!"

"I'm not sending you anywhere!" He crouched down. "I dont blame you for being angry. You have every right."

"I'm tired of being angry. Can we talk?"

He blinked. "Of course! Anything you want!"


Leah was coming and I gulped, facing her. Scott put a hand protectively on my shoulder. "Leah?"

"If you ever put your hands on him again--" she jabbed me in the chest with her finger and I whimpered.

Scott pulled me away. "Don't you touch my sub! What the hell has gotten into you?"

"He pushed Bailey! His feet are cut up and he hit his head hard."

I was horrified. "I didn't mean to--"

"Charlie, why would you do that? You know Bailey's balance isn't good!" Scott sounded upset. "Does he need to go to the hospital?"

"He's not making much sense... I don't know."

I bit my lip. "Scott--"

"I'm fine!" Bailey called feebly. "I just need some aspirin and band aids."

I blew out a breath of relief. Anxiety melted off Leah's face replaced by a cold, unimpressed expression. She stepped in the bathroom and Scott shook his head, facing me. "Remember when it was just you and me here?" He asked with an almost nervous laugh. "Things were never this crazy."

What was it Robtoy had said? That he'd let me know? Was this him asking for support? I was having a melt down of my own. I squeezed his hand however. "Don't let it get to you. Everyone can take care of themselves. We can just focus on us. Leah has it all under control."

His shoulders sagged a bit--I hadn't even noticed how tense he was. He even smiled a little. "Yeah...you're right. You wanted to talk?"

Kingsley began to cry and the tension came again. He squeezed my hand a bit. "Can we go? To the duck pond?"

"You want to?"

"I think we both use a break from the craziness."

He smiled. "Good idea. I'll grab the keys."

"I'll get some drinks."

QOTC: Thoughts?!

Property_of_Gaara : (this has nothing to do with the chapter but...) Gaara is my poor little misunderstood cupcake and I'm just appreciating your username all over again! Hence the dedication (however you have been super supportive through this story's many ups and downs). Sorry if I'm being weird... thought you should know. *looks around awkwardly* uhm...that'll be all.

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