F i f t y - O n e : S c o t t / P u p p y

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"I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Stop it Puppy. I hate playing this game with you."

"No you hate me."

I parked the car and massaged my temples. "I don't even know where to start with you! Your behavior was unacceptable and you know that."

"No I don't. I'm not a baby why do I need a babysitter?"

"Puppy listen to me!"

"No, you listen to me!"

I wanted to hit him. I shut him up for just two goddamn minutes so I could a word in--not that he would actually listen. Instead I got out of the truck and went inside.

He's not a baby, he insisted. Let him unbuckle himself and get out. I sat at the kitchen table and kept an eye on the clock. Two minutes turned to five, five turned ten, and ten turned to fifteen. It was nearly the twenty minute mark when I gave in and went outside.

His head was down, shoulders shaking a bit.

I felt like shit.

I opened the door and Puppy looked at me pitifully. "I'm sorry I was such a bad boy. I thought you were leaving me forever!"

He was hot to the touch too. The air conditioned air left in the cab hadn't stuck around as long as I hoped. I unbuckled him and helped him out. "Bailey isn't my friend. He was only with me so he could get money."

"That's not true Puppy. Now we're going to inside and we're going to have a very serious talk."

"Serious like...sending me away?" He whispered.

"Just come with me."

Inside I sat him on the floor. He twisted his hands together fearfully. "I've had it with your attitude and your defiance Puppy. I've let too much slide and that ends now. I will hold you accountable for your mistakes and act upon such. Do you understand?"

He whimpered. "I'll be a good boy--don't send me away."

"Puppy listen to my words."

He whined and buried his face in his hands. "I'm trying," he whimpered.

My eyes closed tightly as he cried even louder. "What did I say?"

"That-that you're going be accounting me and you don't like how I act."

Well at least part of it's right.

"Now what are you going to about that?"

He sighed heavily. "I don't know! You want me to be the same Puppy I was with Connor! I didn't do anything without permission and I was a really, really good boy but he still sent me away! So I decided to be different! To be more like Misty and-and Kara cos their doms kept them forever! But you don't like me anyway! Why doesn't anyone like me?"

"Puppy you've been intentionally acting like this?"

I blinked at him in amazement and Puppy looked a bit guilty. "I thought Doms liked it when we were naughty. They liked it when--"

"I don't even know who the fuck Kara and Molly are!" I snapped.

Puppy winced. "Not-not Molly...Misty."

"Whatever," I seethed. "You've just been acting this whole thing up? Pretending to be stupid? Acting so dependent? Are you fucking kidding me?"

He shrunk away. "No! I-I'm not stupid--you said so!"

"If you thought pulling this shit was smart then you sure as hell are stupid."


"I'm not stupid!"

Why was he being so mean? I had been doing what I thought he'd like! Scott gripped his hair. "You little..."

"Stop being mean!"

Scott took a few deep breathes. "Okay. Okay... You wanted to be different than what you were Connor, yes?"

"Yes!" Maybe he did understand.

"And when you were Connor you were what?"

"Just like the Trainers told me to be! I thought I did everything right...but I did everything wrong! So I knew I couldn't be like with you or you'll send me away! And-and the only subs I've met are Kara and Misty and their doms kept them so...so I wanted to be like them. So you'll keep me."

Scott stared at me a moment. A look of understanding crossed his face and knelt in front of me. "My sweet, silly boy..." He kissed my forehead. "You don't need to act a certain way. All I want is for you to act like yourself. And to be respectful."

"But-but I like how I am now," I argued. "We have fun and I get toys and-and cuddles and kisses... I don't want them to go away!"

"They won't! I'm not asking you to turn into some mindless robot. I love your personality however trying it may be at times. When I give you a direction, do as I say. When you have chores, do them without whining. If you're with others be respectful. What you did at Bailey's wasn't okay. You woke up the baby and gave him trouble all day. You didn't even help him clean up. Now I know you're better than that."

"Why did he have to put the baby away? He knows I wanna hold it! And see it!"

Scott smiled. "Baby's are very fragile. And you can be clumsy sometimes. Once he's a bit bigger they'll let you hold him. So until then you need to be patient. Okay?"

"Why was he babysitting me?"

"He wasn't. He was just...keeping an eye on you while I was here."

"You are at home?"

"Yes. I need time alone too Puppy. And I know I can't just send you off each day so I'll work it into our schedule. And it's not that I don't love being with you--I do--it's just overwhelming to always be around someone all the time."

"So you need time away from me?"

"Not away from you exactly. Away from everyone. Even the cat."

I glared at him. "Cheddar Cheese is perfect."

"And so are you. That doesn't mean I don't need a break. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head. "Good boy. I think we can pass on the punishment tonight because I know from now on you're not going be so naughty--yes?"


Scott smiled. "How about a movie?"

QOTC: How did the conversation go in your opinion? Was it lacking? Do you think he got through to Puppy? Do you think Puppy's going to change?

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