N i n e t y - F i v e : C h a r l i e

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Dedicated to colemana and @May30Flowers for their super awesome comments ❤️❤️ {I hope I spelled your usernames right, lol}
A/N: Comment & Vote

Despite Scott's promise of talking about it later, I had a feeling he wasn't so keen on us filming ourselves having sex.

Which I thought was kind of weird--he liked porn! He watched it! But things slowly went back to normal. Or, as close to normal as possible with these people.

"I got you something."

I looked up from my phone. I was playing a new game--raising dragons! Scott didn't like how much time it took up but it was free phone time. The chart even said so.

"You did?"

"Yes. You've been so great lately, spending all that time with Kingsley..."

"I like taking care of him." I insisted. "You don't have to reward me--unless they're kisses."

He smiled and set a box on the table. It a decent sized box, plain, with the flaps loose. "What is it?"

I shook it a bit and Scott grabbed my arm. "Don't do that!" He cried as a tiny noise met my ears.

Kind of like a whimper. I pulled back the flap and gasped. "Scott!"

"Last week when I told you I was picking up eggs I was actually getting the permit," he explained. "I hope you're not upset."

"Upset?! What kind of puppy is it?"

"She," he corrected. "And it's a husky/wolf hybrid."

I gasped as the ball of fur looked up at me. She had mismatched eyes and her ears were big and floppy. "For me?"

"For us. It wasn't an easy choice though. The exotic pet dealer almost convinced me to get a tiger kitten. Anyway, she needs a name."

"I can't believe you got me a puppy..." I flung my arms around him. "I love her. Thank you!"

"Don't worry about it. I'll grab the supplies out of the truck if you want to take her into the living room and let her look around."

I happily pulled her out of the box. She was warm and soft. I brought her into the living room where Leah was folding laundry. "Is that a dog?"

"A Hybrid," I replied excitedly. "Where's Bailey and Kingsley?"

"Bailey is in the bathroom giving Kingsley a bath." She replied. "Can I pet her?"

I thought about saying no but I wasn't that mean. "Sure."

The puppy was wandering around, sniffing at various things. She was already way more active than Cheddar had been. Leah got up and pet her. The puppy licked at her hand and then bounded over to a stray sock. "Oh no you don't!"

Leah wrestled the sock from her sharp little teeth and I scooped her up. "She's cute but she'll keep you on your toes." Leah replied. "I don't take care of animals so this all on you guys."

"I don't need you to," I argued crossly. "In fact I don't even know why we need you here at all."

She rolled her eyes and I took the puppy back into the kitchen. Scott set down a large bag of food. "Because she's part wolf she'll need more training. They're strong willed."


"And she's your responsibility. Leah--"

"Doesn't take care of pets. She told me."

"That means walking her, taking her out, playing with her, letting her get exercise... This is definitely a step up from Cheddar responsibility-wise."

"He didn't do too much." I agreed. "I miss him still though."

"Me too," Scott replied.

"No you don't." I smiled.


Three days later Dinner was interrupted by a visitor.

Scott knew it was Kyle--he told me he'd be showing up this evening. We hadn't told Bailey however--Kyle deserved to break it to him. "Can you get it Bailey? I need Leah to help me get some stuff from the kitchen."

Bailey nodded and heaved himself up laboriously. He used the table for support and Leah frowned, helping him. "Thanks," he muttered, face red.

He hated needing help.

Scott and Leah disappeared and I waited anxiously for him to open the door.

"Oh my God." Bailey looked faint as he saw the visitor.

The door fell open completely and Bailey backed up a bit. Kyle looked different. He was a bit more gray, had a few more lines on his face, and a beard. "Bailey," he breathed. "Thank God you're okay."

"Okay?" He croaked. "You left me... you... why are you here?!"

Leah, drawn by the raised voices came into the room. Scott was on her heels, face drawn into an uncomfortable position. "Because I love you Bailey. I want you back."

"Bailey--" Leah began angrily.

Bailey waved her off however. She fell into a stunned silence. "You want me back?" He echoed incredulously. "You left me. You were gone for over a year!"

"I needed help Bailey. I went to Pennsylvania with my brother and I checked myself in. I went off the grid for a while... I just hoped you would be okay while I was gone."

Bailey shook his head and tears ran down his face. "No, no...you left me!"

"I had to. Before I killed you." His voice broke. "I thought I had. I was going to come back regardless--I deserve to be punished for what I did."

"You left your son," Bailey choked out accusingly.

"I didn't trust myself with him. I was in a treatment center for thirteen months Bailey. And every day you two were all I thought about. You can ask my doctor." He was desperate but more than that, he was honest. "I needed to be confident in my rehabilitation before I tried to come back into your life. I understand what I've taken from you and I know I don't deserve you."

"Then why are you here?" He whispered.

"Because I'm praying that you'll have me regardless. I understand that you need more help now--it's all my fault. I want to get out of here--start fresh. Somewhere with a great school district and stupid painted fences."

"But your house--"

"I sold it and all the land. It's not much but it's enough for a fresh start." Kyle looked at Bailey. "I want to marry you Bailey--if you'll have me."

A small ring glimmered in the setting sun. The rock was minuscule compared to my own but I knew how much it was for them. For once I didn't know what my friend was going to do.

"I can give you all that and more." Leah said softly. "I have been with you since the beginning. We don't need a fresh start because I would never hurt you. Bailey please, don't do this to yourself. He nearly killed you last time--what happens next time? Maybe it'll be Kingsley."

"I'm not like that anymore. I got help."

"I need...to think." Whispered Bailey.

Kyle and Leah both stared at him, anxiously awaiting his decision.

QOTC: So this took some time to get done lol. I wasn't sure how I wanted it to go. But I want Bailey's choice to be fan based.



Aaannddd, the puppy needs a name! So comment an idea 😁

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