S e v e n t y - F o u r : S c o t t

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A/N: Thank you for all the awesome comments. A special thanks to logencecea for their amazing comments. (I can't believe I forgot you earlier. I looked back on that and felt awful. Hopefully this make up for it lol).
And thank you for all the awesome comments I've gotten to far! They motivate me write!
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Two months and three days.

The ground was covered in a thick layer of snow and the holiday festivities were revving up around us. We'd picked out and decorated a tree already, as well as hanging up decorations.

"This is my first Christmas I think." Puppy commented with a grin.

He was wearing a gray knit sweater as he helped me wrap the gift bags for my employees. He was quite talented at it in fact. He topped each off with a bow.

"There." He commented siting back. "What do you think?"

"Beautiful. Did they not celebrate at the auction house?"

He paused thoughtfully, "There weren't many trainers. And they didn't stay long."

Of course. "Well I hope you'll enjoy this Christmas then."

"I already am." He beamed.

I looked at my phone. "It's Wednesday Puppy--do you know what that means?"

"Christoph is coming to work on my arithmetic and grammar." He dutifully recalled. "And Gretchen will be here this afternoon to cover for Leah."

Leah was a full time nanny. She was wonderful with children and it relieved a lot of the pressure put on me. Kingsley was almost six months old at this point. It had been amazing to watch him grow and progress so much.

At the same time it was a constant reminder of the stagnant condition of his father and he absence of his other father. A missing persons report had been filed but it seemed Kyle had emptied his bank account and was just...gone.

I never expected something like that from him.

But I had learned to take things as they came. And Puppy had grown tremendously. His room looked nothing like it did when we first set it up. His safari print bedding had been replaced by a fluffy gray comforter--his new favorite color. His toys had been donated to the local children's center along with all but one stuffed animal.

Kingsley had found Milo cast aside one day and had taken an immediate liking. I had expected Puppy to pitch a fit but he was indifferent. His only comment was that it was "time to get rid of it anyway."

As far as our sex went, he like another person in the bedroom. He was passionate and seductive. I felt good about where we were in our relationship and who Puppy had grown into.

Glenn was right. Time and understanding had helped Puppy over that emotional bump in his life and he was back on track to where an eighteen year should be.

Even Robtoy was impressed by or progress.

"That's right. Is her gift ready?"

Christmas was only six days away at this point. I had yet to get Puppy any gifts but I'd already assembled a list of what I thought he was ready to get. A cellphone being one of them.

"Yes. We put it upstairs--would you like me to get it?"

"That'd be great." I agreed as the phone rang. "Hello?"

"Scott? This is Brune--your little friend here is awake."

My heart seemed to freeze. "What?"

"Bailey Beal? He's awake. He'll stay under observation for the next two days but you can come Friday morning and visit him."

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