T h i r t y - O n e : P u p p y

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A/N: really short cos I'm back to work. But Comment & Vote!

The next morning Scott was acting funny.

Even as I did my inside chores. Even as I laced up my boots and went outside to my outside chores. While I was watering the garden I'd catch him staring.

It quickly began to bother me. "Stop looking at me." I told him flatly. "It's annoying."

Scott glared. "Don't be rude Puppy."

"But you're staring at me!" I whined. "Is there something on my shirt?"

I looked down and Scott shook his head. "Why don't you finish up and then come talk to me in the house?"


Talks scared me. Especially after The Talk that led to my old Dom getting rid of me. I didn't want Scott to get rid of me. I really loved him. "I'll be a good boy I promise."

"Not that kind of talk Puppy.
Don't worry."

"About my activity?"

He smiled. "Kind of. Finish up for me."

I did so happily. Inside I took of my boots and washed my hands. "Hey Scott," I greeted, sitting opposite of him. "I was checking on Piper and she's not looking too good. And she's keeping weight off her back leg too."

Scott nodded his head. "Her ankle wasn't properly braced at her last race. Lola already checked. Just a bit of strain, nothing serious."

I hummed in response. I went to fridge and got out my lime jello. "You can't live off of jello, Puppy." He told me somewhat flatly.

I rolled my eyes and peeled back the lid. "I know that."

"Remember what happened when you ate too many?"

My face got a bit warm. It was my first experience with that kind of upset tummy. The kind that made you go potty a lot. "Yes! I won't. I remember."

He nodded his head. "What did we decide as a rule?"

"Uh..." I looked down. "I don't remember?"

"Don't lie to me."

"Okay," I sighed. "One in the afternoon and one at night. But if I want two in the afternoon?"

"Then you can't have any at night."

I groaned in opposition. "It's no fair Scott. You get to eat a lot of food--why can I only have a little?"

"It's your choice. You can eat whatever you'd like--I'd love to see you move past the oatmeal and start eating normal foods."

"Isn't jello normal food?"

Scott gave me a hard look. "You know that's not what I mean."

"What's the difference?"

"It has no nutritional value whatsoever Puppy. But this isn't the talk I wanted to have."

I bit my lip. "Does Bailey have his baby yet?"

Scott rolled his eyes. "No Puppy. It takes time."

"How much time? Bailey said he's going to have a baby shower. But it's not like a real shower. You just give him presents and eat cake. We can go right?"

"Puppy we can talk about it later. Right now we need to talk about what you said last night?"

His words blurred together. I was still thinking about the future baby. "When we go we bring him gifts. I can pick him out presents right? For him and the baby? Bailey said people usually give presents to the baby but he said he'd like presents of his own too. Like gift cards and stuff."


"I think he'll feel left out if the baby got all the presents and he gets none. I haven't gotten a present before. Well...I did but I never really saw them. Connor kept them. He-he gave me a present once--Dave, remember when I told you about him?"


"He was my first present but I got sick on him so Connor threw him away. He's different than Dave Jr. in my room though."

Scott grabbed my face and I inhaled sharply in fear. I dropped my jello and pushed him away. "Don't hurt me like that again!" I begged, standing up on the couch.

Scott had a rule about standing on furniture but I didn't care. Scott had hurt me real bad last time. I didn't want him to again. Scott pulled back looking a bit shocked himself. "Puppy I wasn't--" he stopped and spoke much slower. "I'm sorry. I did not mean to scare you. I just needed your attention."

Tears filled my eyes. "I don't want to go back to the hospital. I'll listen."

"Puppy that's not... It's not what I meant. I just..." He faltered a bit and shook his head. "This is what I wanted to talk to you about."

I looked at the floor. "My jello fell. Now I have to wait until later." I whispered.

Scott shook his head. "No buddy--it was my fault. I'll go get you some more."

He did so and I hesitantly sat down hugging my knees. I felt...worried. What if Scott got angry and hurt my mouth again? What if he slapped my face and pulled on my wrists?

I'd been trying hard not to think about it but Scott seemed like hem was going to do it again. He wasn't of course. He promised me. I was just being silly.

Scott smiled and passed me a new cup. I smiled back and peeled back the foil--it was one of my favorite parts. Sometimes Scott would fold them into airplanes I could throw around the house.

But tonight I didn't want to ask--he already got upset with me once. "What-what are we talking about?" I asked a moment.

Scott paused as he cleaned up the spilled jello. Then he shook his head. "Nothing. You've been a very good boy lately though."

"My activity?" I reminded him.

Scott nodded. "You can pick one."

I bit my lip. "Remember when you said I could get an outside collar? Can I do that?"

Scott nodded his head. "Of course Puppy. We'll go tomorrow afternoon."

I cheers excitedly. "Can we watch TV in your room since it's night time?"

"Of course."

QOTC: Should Scott have continued the real conversation or did he do the right thing by waiting?

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