S e v e n t y - F i v e : P u p p y

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"I think I'm over this kind of music."

Scott smiled and stopped the cart. "Christmas music gets old really quick."

"Where are we going to get presents?" I asked.

"I thought we'd go to the mall. You would be walking around alone--are you okay with that?" He asked.

I nodded my head. "I'll be fine. There are clocks on the wall right?"

"That's right. But first we need to finish this shopping."

"He's just a baby--he won't even remember." I reminded him.

Scott smiled. "All the more reason to make it special. Now what do you want to get him?"

I looked at the array of gifts already in the cart. He had toys and clothes--what else could he need? I shrugged. "I have no idea." I sighed. "Let's go to the mall."

Scott leaned over the cart. "I took this afternoon off to get all the shopping done. Now I need you to decide."

"I don't want to get him anything." I decided. "He won't even remember."


I picked up a stuffed animal and put it back down. "I don't know Scott. Maybe some more toys?"

"Perfect." He smiled. "Go pick something out."

"Fine," I sighed, looking around the store. It was weird remembering how much I used to love them. "What about this?"

It was a walker. "He's just sitting up Puppy. But I suppose you're planning ahead..." Scott hummed. "Sure."

I heaved it on top of the cart and sighed. "Now the mall?"

"We've got to pay first but yes."


The mall was overwhelming.

Everyone was rushing here and there. I stood still for a long moment. Every fiber of my being told me break down and find Scott. What if he left me? What if this whole Christmas thing was just a ploy to get rid of me?

Stop it. You're fine.

He had given a plastic card with two instructions: use the PIN 3268 and not to 'go crazy'. My only problems were firstly figuring out where I was in the mall and where I needed to go, and secondly what to get him!

Scott had everything. What else did he want? I wandered through the vast floor, seeing lines of shops with bright windows displaying goods.

I went up a moving staircase and found a bench.

Sitting down I looked at the clock. I still had two hours before we had to meet at the truck. So what should I get him? I heaved myself to my feet and wandered into the first store.

There were clothes in here, I realized. "Can I help you?"

"Me?" I felt awkward here alone. Being spoken to directly without my Dom as a buffer for my own social anxiety. "If-if you're not busy?"

The man smiled. "I'm never to busy to help out a pretty little sub."

Pretty? Me? "Oh... That's really nice of you. I'm trying to find a present."

"A present? For who?"

"Scott--he's my Dom."

The man hummed. "Where's your collar?"

"Oh. I left it at home."

"You've got to watch that. Someone might think you're still up for grabs." He gestured for me to follow him. "What kind of watch does he wear?"

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