S e v e n : P u p p y

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A/N: this is a shorter, filler chapter. Comment & Vote!
I promise next chapter will be more interesting!

I didn't see Scott again until the next morning.

I thought he'd be mad at me for being up Danny but he didn't even mention it. "I'm sorry for snapping at you the way I did, Puppy. It was wrong of me. I made an appointment for you to see a learning specialist next week. I think that he can help us understand why you're having so much trouble. Until then, we'll work on reciting the alphabet in the morning and you can have the rest of the day."

He spoke...fast. I just nodded along like I knew he wanted me to. He smiled at me. He hugged my tightly and lowered himself to my level. He turned my face gently, kissing my cheek. "I love you Puppy."

I smiled, hugging him. "I love you too Scott. Is Bailey here today?"

He looked at me for a long moment. I bit my lip. "No Puppy." He finally said. "Not today."

"Okay." I looked at my feet. What will I do? "Is there any chores for me?"

Scott frowned. "Would you like for me to give you chores?" He asked.

I bobbed my head. I wanted to feel useful--to do something right. Scott nodded his head. "Alright. Well, you've seen how Bailey washes the horse right? That can be your chore. You know where everything is right?"

"Know where...bath stuff is?" I asked hesitantly.

Scott nodded his head. "Yes."

"Yes!" I said brightly. "I've seen Bailey do it loads of times! I know where everything is and what horses to wash first!"

"Well good. After we eat breakfast you can go upstairs and get ready."

I nodded along and Scott made my oatmeal, passing me the spoon. I hesitantly took it, gritting my teeth, trying to keep myself motivated.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

I made a mess as usual and when Scott gave me a cup of water I splashed most of it on my shirt. Scott didn't get mad. He sat beside me with a towel, mopping what got my shirt. "You did very well this morning Puppy. Why don't you go get cleaned up and put on some clothes. Long pants, remember?"

"Long pants." I repeated myself as I went upstairs.

Dressed I returned downstairs. Scott took me to the barn, pointing out different bottles. "We don't wash the horses every day. On hot days we wash them down with cool water. Every other day we use this bottle." He lifted a big white one. "It's a fur and skin moisturizer. And once a week we use this." A blue one. "Is the soap. It's for their body only. This one." A purple and white bottle. "Is for their tail and manes. Today however is a moisturizer day. Which bottle is that?"

It was too much information. Too many questions. I bit my lip, trying to sort through it all. "Puppy?"

"I-- I need to think," I whispered.

Why can't I think? "This bottle Puppy," he said gently. "I'll pour it all out for you, okay?"

Frustrated I held back my tears and nodded my head. He poured it in the bucket, bringing in the hose, filling it. "I'll check in on you in a few minutes." He said softly.

I nodded my head, looking at the barn floor. When he was gone I wiped away my tears and opened the stall door to Rain, an Arabian horse. I dipped the brush, running it over her fur. She neighed softly.

I just tried to do my job well.


Scott came back when I was finishing up.

"I'm sorry. I meant to stop in soon but got caught up. How'd it go?"


I washed away the excess moisturizer and pat him dry with a towel. Scott stepped forward, putting the horse back in the stall. "Are you ready to work on reciting your alphabet?"

I closed my eyes as stress began to fill me again. I shook my head. When I was out here, washing the horses, I didn't feel stupid. I could do it.

I shook my head. "Can't I do something else?"

Scott smiled. "I know you're getting a bit frustrated but you can't give up. Afterward, maybe we can go swimming?"

I can't swim. "O-okay."

"Good. If you're trying really hard, maybe I'll call Kyle and see if Bailey can come with us?"

Seeing Bailey was a perk. If felt like it'd been forever. And I needed to apologize for getting him in trouble. "Come on then."

With a heavy sigh I followed him back inside. It was cool which was nice but I was still dreading the whole situation. He took me upstairs into his office. "Go ahead."


"D e f then g. Try again."

I drew in a shaky breath. "A b c d e g--"

"E f g."

I fought through the alphabet until I finally made it to z. "You did very well Puppy. Your persevered through even when you got frustrated."

"What's per-pers..."

"Persevere. It means you kept trying even though it was hard."


"You can go to your room and watch some TV if you'd like?"

"Can we go find Kyle and ask?" I begged.

Scott looked ready to say no when a bell rang. "Kyle will be finding us shortly. I suppose we could ask. But if he says no, the answers no. Understand?"

I bobbed my head and held out my hand hopefully. Scott smiled and took it, crouching down a bit to kiss the back of my hand. "Can I sleep in your bed tonight?"

"I don't see why not." He replied. "He should be heading into the kitchen soon."

"Maybe I can make you lunch?" I asked hopefully.

Scott just smiled. "That's very nice of you but I ate a late breakfast." He replied.

I frowned. "Okay."

He looked a bit upset. "Don't frown Puppy. You know what? I am feeling a bit peckish."



"So I can make you lunch?" I asked hopefully.

He smiled. "Of course you can."

Heal My HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora