F i f t y - T w o : S c o t t

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Things improved drastically.

It was like he was a whole new person! He was sweet and kind and respectful. It was a bit unnerving at first how he had would have normally acted without his deluded ideas.

He did his chores gladly, eager to just help me. The nightly alone time was a struggle though. Whenever the time came he'd cry as if I was turning him away forever.

In that sense we were still stuck at square on but behaviorally he'd made strides.

His Little side remained unaffected. It wasn't the result of the any behavioral practices--he was really just who he was. It was easier to swallow in that sense. I had convinced him to begin eating one real meal a day--dinner.

The effects were...somewhat poor. It made him sick in just about every way possible. I called Brune about it who had grudgingly forgiven my actions against him. He had listened to the symptoms and wanted me to wait it out thinking it could be his body getting used to the organic matter.

But as the days turned to weeks Puppy was beginning to really resist eating--and I didn't blame him. He could eat meat and starches fine but fruits, vegetables and grains destroyed his digestive system.

I cut out dairy immediately thinking it could lactose intolerance and things got slightly better but there was no real difference. Brune suggested gluten so I tried gluten free options--no change.

Brune chalked the fruits and veggies up to him not being used to fiber that wasn't soluble because that was what was in the nutritional supplicant he had been eating.

Other than that he was stumped and so was I.

"I don't wanna eat it Scott."

"I know bud. But the longer we push it off the longer it'll take your belly to get used to it."

Puppy whimpered to himself a bit but ate the cubed meat slowly, then the bread. He looked at the corn and the squeeze pouch of apple sauce. He picked the apple sauce and dawdled over it for almost fifteen minutes. I didn't push him however and like always he finished the measly amount laid in front of him with a defeated whimper.

As usual he asked to go to his room because he didn't feel good.

The fact it was a nightly occurrence was worrying. Dehydration was dangerous and he lost most of his fluids within a four hour span each night. And getting him to drink anything was a challenge.

I considered stopping all together. The oatmeal was sufficient and putting him through all this hell wasn't necessary.

So I made a final attempt and brought him to see a dietary physician in the city.

"What if they give me shots?"

"I'll be right here to hold your hand," I assured him.

He bit his lip. "What I hold on really tight and I hurt you?"

"That won't happen."

He kicked his feet a bit. "Will she know what's wrong with me?"

"It's nothing wrong with you, it's your tummy. It's different."


A faired skinned woman stepped in with a clipboard and a white coat. "Melissa Stevens--call me Melissa. Is this Puppy?"

"I'm Puppy," he volunteered weakly.

She smiled at him. "I hear you haven't been feeling so good when you eat?"

"It makes me real sick."

"Oh yeah? Well I looked over your case and at the food diary Scott kept for you. And I know exactly what's making you sick."

I was impressed--no else had any idea. "You do?" Puppy asked excitedly.

"Yes. Now I'm going to scrape this over your skin. You have a cat don't you?"

Puppy nodded. "Has it ever scratched you?"

"I was playing with Cheddar and he scratched me a little once."

"It'll feel just like that. Are you ready?"

She produced a little stick and lifted his shirt, scratching it across his back. He whimpered and she looked at it. "Yeast."


She lowered his shirt and smiled. "He's allergic to yeast. That's the cause of the worse of the symptoms. The rest is just having to break down substances that were always provided in their purest forms."

"So what do I do about the yeast?"

"Cut it out completely. It's listed on products as an ingredient so you just need to keep an eye out."

"And that will help?"

"Significantly. Also ease him into dairy--that could be part of it too."

"Thank you so much."

"It was my pleasure. Thank you Melissa."


"It's been a long time since I saw Bailey and the baby..."

"Last time didn't go so well," I reminded him as I got on the interstate.

"I should apologize."

"Yes you should."

"Can we do that now?"

"No. But perhaps later--you have chores still."

"Will I feel yucky tonight?"

"Hopefully not. Did you understand what she said?"

"I'm allergic to yeast."

I smiled at him. "You're such a good boy listening."

He beamed quietly to himself.

QOTC: Food allergies? I'm lactose intolerant--NOT THAT I LET IT STOP ME LOL, even though I should.

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