F i f t y - F o u r : S c o t t

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"Daddy can I have a nap?"

I wasn't surprise he'd decided to be Little tonight. We were beginning to pack and he hadn't done so in a little over a week. However it was inconvenient. "Puppy do you think you stay big for a just a little bit longer?"

"Daddy I'm sleepy!"

That was a no. I ran a hand over my face. "It's too close to bed time. How about you help me pack up some of your things?"

"I wanna bring all my stuffies!"

"How about two?"

"That's not enough!" He screeched. "Daddy I'm thirsty!"

I closed my eyes. "Puppy, I understand you're frustrated and want my attention right now but we have to pack. We're leaving tomorrow and--"

"I don't wanna talk about it Daddy. I wanna go play with my toys."

I sucked on my teeth. "It's okay to be nervous. This is your first time on a plane right?"

"Puppy doesn't know," he mumbled, regressing further. "He just wants to pway with Daddy!"

I pulled him into my lap and stroked his head. "It's okay."

"Daddy will keep Puppy safe?"

I smiled a bit. "Yes. Daddy will keep you safe. Now," I pulled back some. "Which two stuffies would you like?"

He stared at me. "You was serious?" He gasped. "Not two--all of them!"

He stared at me as though the mere concept was the deepest of offense. "How about one?"

"No! Two is okay."

I smiled. "That's what I thought. You only need to bring one outfit and night clothes because we're going to buy you the clothes you'll be wearing."

"Can I get new kitty pjs?"

I hummed. "Maybe." I decided vaguely. "As soon as I'm done packing."

He rolled over to look inside my suitcase. "Daddy is wearing a bag?"

"No. There's a suit in it. For one of the dinners. We're going to get you a suit too!"

"I think I'd rather wear kitty jammies. Only Daddy's wear what's-those-called."

I smiled. "Puppy's do too. Especially when it comes to very important dinners."

He pouted and went slack against me. "I already ate my dinner! I don't want more! My tummy hurts."

"It does? Do you have to go potty?"

His face got red. "No! It just hurts a bit."

"Do you need some medicine?"

"Um... I think I need... Daddy cuddles!"

He sat up, flinging his arms around my neck. His face nuzzled my neck and I smiled. "I see. Well I'd love to give you cuddles but," I carefully unraveled his arms from around me. He looked hurt. "We need to pack first. And the longer it takes the less time for cuddles. I think big Puppy would be a big help right now. What do you think?"

"No. I want cuddles and red juice in my green sippy!"

I sighed in defeat. I could always finish after he was in bed. I got to my feet and he squealed happily. "Can I have a bath first?"

The enjoyment he found in the baths was clear. He could be comforted and cared for. I didn't have the heart to tell him no. "Alright. But quickly."

He beamed at me and ran out of the room. "Walk!" I called, following after him.


"Goodnight Puppy."

The panda hood was up and he'd pulled down the flaps making his hands into paws. He opened his arms for a hug. I gave it to him and kissed his cheeks. "Nun-night Daddy."

I grabbed clothes out of his closet quickly before turning off the light and leaving the door cracked. As I headed down the stairs my phone rang.


"I'm just looking over these agendas and I don't think that you have enough people on Tuesday and Friday."

"Feel free to make any adjustments you deem necessary."

"Alright." From his end the sound of crying filtered through. "Goddamnit--Bailey will take care of him please?"

"I'm trying," Bailey retorted.

"I'll let you go," Kyle sighed. "Enjoy the derby."


With everything packed I fell into bed with a tired sigh.

We would have be at the Airport by nine so we'd have to leave by seven. Which meant getting up at six at the latest. I heaved myself up and into the shower.

I stared at the shampoo bottle and recalled it lingering sweetness.

I did not open it however. I couldn't let Danny's memory rest if I constantly clung to his reminders.

At least that was what Robtoy told me.

I got out and toweled off. It felt like I'd forgotten something but I pushed on. Getting out of the habit of clinging to Danny's remains wouldn't be easy.

But it was necessary.

A/N: What do you think about Puppy's development?

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