T w e n t y - F i v e : P u p p y / Scott

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I went back downstairs a bit later.

Scott was in the living room watching TV. "Scott?"

He looked at me. "Puppy you're being punished right now. Go back to your room."

"But I'm hungry still."

"You had a portion and a half already Puppy. You couldn't even finish it. I'm not feeding you again."

I stomped my foot. "Give me back Milo."

Scott gave me an astonished look. "You're better than this Puppy. I really don't understand why you've been acting so poorly but I'm done with it. Do you understand me Puppy? No more."

He was talking too fast. I rolled my eyes. "Give me back my stuffies!" I demanded. "Then I'll stay punish."

Scott got up and I shrunk back into the hallway some. He looked really angry. "Scott just give them back!"

He stormed past me into my room. I scurried behind him. "Wait! I'm sorry!"

I watched in shock as Scott began to take my plushies into his arms. "No!"

My eyes widened in shock. "Stop it!" I screamed. "It's not fair!"

I began to cry hoping Scott would take pity. He didn't, taking an armful and leaving and repeating it until my bed was left painfully bare. I begged him, grabbing onto his pants as I tried to think of words through my own panic.

Scott just stepped around me, taking the blue and gray train set and the TV remote. "If you come out of this room again, I'm locking you in."

He closed the door and I collapsed on the carpet. It was like he'd stripped every sort of comfort from me. I pulled my arms around my body. I didn't understand--Scott was being so mean all of the sudden.

I pulled my pillow off the bed and went to the closet. It was cozy and dark. I closed the door and settled against the hanging sweaters. I missed my crate. I missed Milo. I missed my cat keychain.

Cheddar meowed on the other side of the door. I pushed the door open and grabbed him. He meowed in opposition at first but once the door was shut he laid down on my lap. I pet him compulsively. His silky fur comforted me.

With Cheddar purring contently, I drifted off to sleep.



"Isn't it your day off?"

I looked at Kyle who nodded his head. "I'm covering for Andy. He's got the flu. I thought you too Sunday's off?"

I just shook my head. "This morning was a fucking disaster."

Kyle frowned. He pulled off the tan work gloves. "What's up?"

"I feel like I complain to you every day." I replied, avoiding the conversation.

"It's not complaining. We're just thinking out loud to each other." Kyle replied shortly. "What's wrong?"

I looked up at him. "It's just so...frustrating trying to deal with him."

"Still having troubles with Puppy?"

"Of course I am! It's like he's getting more childish as time goes on! I took away everything."


"Stuffed animals...all his toys..." I led off with a head shake. "There's just no other way with him!"

"So he's reflecting on his actions then?" Kyle asked.

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