F o r t y - S i x : S c o t t

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"I don't normally make house calls, Scott, so don't get used to this."

"If it wasn't important I wouldn't have called you."

Brune crossed his arms. "Because you're afraid to bring him to the hospital?"

"It's not like that," I frowned. "I just--"

"Let me see him," Brune cut in. He was obviously unimpressed but I was focused more on Puppy's wellbeing than my own reputation.

Puppy was wrapped up in his blue and green pokadotted towel. He turned his head when we entered the living room. His tears ran with water droplets. "Scott no! I don't want him to see my private parts!"

I opened my mouth but Brune stepped forward. "Hey bud. This must be a little scary huh?"

Puppy pulled the towel tighter. "Yeah..."

"Yeah," agreed Brune. "I know. But I'm a doctor you know. Do you know what that means?"

He pulled on gloves seamlessly. Puppy replied after a long moment. "You fix people."

"Exactly. I also heal anyone hurt--are you hurt Puppy?"

He bit his lip and shook his head. "No. I'm fine. You can go."

"Are sure you don't have any hurts? No even in a kinda secret place?"

Puppy turned bright red and looked helplessly at me. "Scott I only want you to see those parts!"

"I understand that Puppy but it's important that you let him look."

Brune spared me a glance before focusing completely on Puppy. "What's your safest place here?" Brune asked suddenly.

He acting as if he were talking to child! Puppy toyed with the towel edge. It really swallowed him up--a testament to how small he really was. "Um...under the bed."

"Who's bed?"

"My bed--Puppy's bed."

Brune smiled. "That sounds like a really safe spot. Maybe you can show me?"

Puppy hesitantly nodded his head and got up with a poorly suppressed whine of pain. Brune cast me an ugly look. "How would you describe the pain when you're sitting."

"Ummm..." Puppy didn't stop his limping shuffle as he spoke. "It feels like I'm sitting on something sharp. But only in my secret place."

Brune hummed. "Thank you for telling me. How about when you're walking?"

"How about what when I'm walking?"

"The pain Puppy," I sighed.

Brune openly glared. I held up my hands in a calm down motion. He rolled his eyes and keyed in as Puppy spoke. "It hurts. Like...like I'm broken. Like the time I cut my finger but worse."

Brune nodded his head. We reached the staircase and Puppy whimpered. He actually crawled up them which seemed like a bit of an exaggeration but Brune looked utterly pissed. At the top Puppy stumbled to his feet. In his room I felt a bit embarrassed.

It looked like a kid's room. He frowned at me, as if accusing me of doing something immoral. To him it probably did. "How old are you Puppy?"

I sputtered furiously. "He's eighteen you ass."

Brune gave me a cold look. "Just making sure. Puppy how about lay down and you keep your top half under the bed where it's safe?"

Puppy bit his bottom lip and looked at me for confirmation. "Go on." I granted.

I was still stinging from the suggestion. Puppy laid down and Brune examined him quickly. Puppy whined discomfort and Brune finished, drawing back. "You did a very good job, Puppy. And you'll be just fine! Why don't you go put on some light shorts and get some sleep, hm?" Brune pulled off the gloves and shook two pills out a bottle. "These are aspirin. You can chew them."

Puppy took it hesitantly and chewed the pills awkwardly. Brune got up. "Scott--a word?"

"I'll be in to check on you Puppy."

He bobbed his head, shuffling to the closet. I closed the door and followed Brune to the door. "I don't know what's wrong with you but you could have caused serious, permanent damage."

"I was careful--"

"Careful? He's underdeveloped Scott! Not only is much smaller than it should be but the muscle never had a reason to ever stretch, seeing as he's never eaten solid foods. Now--how did you think shoving something as big as your cock in it would go?"

"Not this poorly," I sighed quietly. "I didn't mean to hurt him."

"You never seem to. How's the therapy going?"

"I see my own twice a week."

"Clearly it's not enough. If I see him seriously hurt again I will file a report."

"Is that all you'll be needing Brune?" I asked coldly.

He nodded his head curtly. "Warm baths twice a day, keep him home with very little movement. He should be all healed by this time next week. And I suggest you prepare him properly next time."

I let him out and closed the door with extra force.

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