F i f t y - S i x : S c o t t

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A/N: I just sold my first mattress! Actually I sold like three but my boss helped with the first two. On an unrelated note--mattresses at freaking expensive!!!
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Checking into a hotel with a sub proved far more difficult than I assumed.

Or maybe it was because of how young he looked. Either way I had to show proof of a license. And sign a paper saying he was my sub while they made copies of my own license.

"Why does yours look different?" Puppy asked as I tucked it away.

It was a plastic card as opposed to his weathered paper one. His was basic--the one he'd received when bought no doubt. "Because I haven't registered you completely," I admitted after a moment.

Registering your sub transferred all your rights. They could vote, they had their own rights and control over their persons and all finances. It was a step many doms waited to take until they knew the sub was committed to them.

I wasn't sure why I waited so long with Puppy. I guess we just weren't there yet. "Well when I get mine I want it to be pink."

I smiled. "Oh really?"

"Yep. Like the strawberries we are."

"That color is red."

"Oh." He frowned. "Red like...this?"

He pointed to a flyer and I leaned in. "Exactly."

"I thought it was dark pink!"

I smiled as the desk attendant came back. "Uh, so there was paperwork began transferring the sub to you but it was never notarized so this Sub doesn't belong to you."

My eyes narrowed. "What? That can't be right. The airport didn't say anything when I got his passport."

"It's a hotel policy. We've had problems with sub trafficking in the past and this has cut down significantly. If you wouldn't mind call his past owner we could use his verbal consent."

"Jesus Christ," I muttered furiously. Leave it to that prick to do half a half-assed job. "Alright. Puppy stay here."

"Stay in this spot or here forever?"

"In the spot. For just a moment. Keep an eye on him--he may wander."

"Wander? I don't wander! You wander."

I ignored him and pulled out my phone. The phone rang twice before a slurred voice answered.

Drunk. Perfect.

"Connor I need you tell this person that Puppy is mine."

"Who? What's yours? What time is it? Who the fuck is this?"

"This is Scott King. You need to tell them that Puppy is mine."

"King of what? I don't have a dog. You have the wrong number."

"Can you for once in your life shut the fuck up and listen?" In the corner of my eye I watched Puppy inching toward a fish tank. I snagged the back of his shirt and shook my head.

Puppy whined and plopped down.

"Fuck off Scott King. What about a dog?"

"Puppy. The sub you sold me."

"Oh! Yeah he's yours. What about it?"

"Just tell this man that and then you can go back to destroying your liver."

"That's fair," he sighed after a moment. "Put 'im on."

I passed the phone and rubbed my temples. "Scott there are fishes in that thing. You see that? I wanted to go see!"

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