F o u r : S c o t t

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I took my time loading the dishwasher.

I wasn't sure how to respond to the situation. Puppy had acted out badly. Bailey was going to be punished for bringing up the word but I was sure I'd dropped it a few times but it was easy to see how influential Bailey was for Puppy.

It hurt that Puppy was so frightened of failure in front of others he refused to even try.

I sighed leaning against the sink. Picking out a punishment wasn't easy. With Danny, punishments were far and few between. A simple spanking or day long ban from visiting the horses. Nothing more was ever needed and Danny never made the same mistake twice.

I sighed heavily, drying my hands on the kitchen rag. I tossed it onto the counter and climbed the stairs. I didn't have to pick a punishment tonight. I did have to check on Puppy. Seeing him so upset bothered me. I wasn't sure how to help him.

Whatever the issue was would resolve itself over time...wouldn't it?

I opened Puppy's door, eyes scanning the empty room. Panic began to ebb inside me before I heard a barely audible whimper. I lowered myself to the floor, picking up the bedskirt. Relief followed by annoyance surged through me. "I thought you were missing--why are you hiding Puppy?"

He had his head bowed into his knees. I could see Milo's paw peeking out from under his body. Puppy just sniffled. I reached down, taking him gently though firmly, by the upper arms, pulling his body out from under the bed.

He didn't fight me but whined in opposition. "What's going on Puppy? Talk to me."

"I-I didn't like my punishment." He murmured after a moment. "That's why I ran away and went to where it's safe."

"What punishment Puppy? I wasn't punishing you." I frowned.

Puppy looked at me, eyes wide and frightened. "Then-then why'd you try and make me embarrassed so Bailey doesn't like me anymore?"

I shook my head. "Puppy I want you to be more comfortable around other people," I replied. "And Bailey is your friend."

Puppy didn't reply. "Do you understand me, Puppy?"

"B-Bailey is my friend," he stammered after a long pause. "That's what you said."

I nodded my head. "Yes. Which means he understands that you're learning."

"He'll think I'm stupid."

"No one thinks you're stupid Puppy. Perhaps a little stubborn but not stupid."

He shook his head. "I can't read and I listen slow and I think slow..."

"You just need to practice more. Regardless, the way you acted and spoke has consequences."

He looked up at me, blinking. "I'm getting...punished." He whispered.

Maybe it doesn't take him some time to comprehend when people talk to him.

"Yes. Now you've punished yourself quite a bit seeing how upset you are. So I think an early bedtime for this week will suffice. Curse words are not to be used."

I gave him some time to reply. "Go to bed...now?"

I looked at my watch. Seven thirty. "That's right. Get on your pjs, go brush your teeth, and put your dirty clothes in the hamper please."

He looked at me a moment before climbing to his feet. He walked to the bed and looked down. "Can you say that again?"

"The directions?"

"Yes please." He whispered shamefully.

I nodded my head. "Put on your pjs."

He took a moment to do so before looking at me. Pain shone in his eyes. I could only imagine how frustrating this all was for him--it wasn't easy on me either. "Now go brush your teeth and put your dirty clothes in the hamper."

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